Monday, July 15, 2013

Living Tradition wanted to avoid being anti Semitic is now in a fix

 Msgr.Msgr. John F. McCarthy, J.C.D., S.T.D.,Editor and Assistant Editor Fr. Brian Harrison, Editor of  Living Tradition,an organ of the Roman Theological Forum, have made an objective, factual error.The Editors assumed that Redemptoris Missio (10) contradicted Fr. Leonard Feeney. For them those saved in invincible ignorance etc would be physically visible for all of us and personally known to them,to be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The Editors assumed that we could see the dead.
 It is a fact of life that we cannot see the dead.Objectively they are not visible to us.
So with no known exceptions to the dogma mentioned in Redemptoris Missio or any other Magisterial document, there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma according to St.Robert Bellarmine- and Fr.Leonard Feeney.
Now how can they affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus in agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney ?
Fr.Brian Harrison, the Assistant Editor at Living Tradition has on the Internet in another context, denied that he was anti-Semitic or held the literal interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation being there in only the Catholic Church;all in the present times, needing to be visible members of the Church .
Now the editors do not have a choice unless their theological papers keep insisting that they can see the dead on earth, who are exceptions to the 'rigorist interpretation' of Fr. Leonard Feeney.
With the leftists creating new hate laws which are pro-evil and anti-God, it is getting more difficult legally to be a Christian or living the Judaic-Christian-Islamic teachings.Will Msgr.Msgr. John F. McCarthy, J.C.D., S.T.D.and Fr. Brian Harrison be able to say on the Internet that there are no visible, no known, exceptions in 2013 to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
-Lionel Andrades
July 14, 2013

Living Tradition, Catholic Theological Journal makes a factual, objective error

1 comment:

  1. Before they threw him under the bus, Fr. Feeney's superiors said this about him. "The greatest theologian we have in the U.S., by far." Rev. John J. Mc Eleny (Fr's Jesuit Provincial) "The greatest theologian in the Catholic Church today." John Cardinal Wright and Hamish Fraser called him, "One of the most outstanding prophets of our time." The not-quite convert, Fr. Harrison, would do well to listen to Fr. Feeney and learn.
