Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lumen Fidei could be the precedent to extend ecclesial faith to Muslims and Jews

Encyclical  interprets  Vatican Council II according to Richard Cushing and not Leonard Feeney. For the two popes there is visible to us baptism of desire and personally known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance.
Lumen Fidei refers to Christians and not just Catholics  as having ecclesial faith.Tomorrow the pope could be forced by the left to include Muslims and Jews.
What will be the precedent ? The reference point in 'tradition' will be Lumen Fidei.
What  is the New Revelation from  Jesus or the Holy Spirit for the popes to give us this new doctrine in Lumen Fidei Its' simple. They support Cardinal Richard Cushing  instead of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
They interpret  Vatican Council according to Cushing and not Feeney. Like Cushing they assume all salvation , all the saved mentioned in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II, are physically visible in Heaven- and also on earth. They are visible also on earth for them to be known exceptions to Tradition; to the dogma on salvation and the Syllabus of Errors.
 This is the new revelation for  Lumen Fidei suggesting  Christian Scientoligists , Jehovah's Witnesses and other nominal believers in Jesus Christ are within the Catholic Church.
 In an article on the front page of the L'Osservatore  Romano , Cardinal Walter Kaspar extended the Richard Cushing interpretation of Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) to all non Catholics  be saved in general  in their religion . They did not have to convert.
Under the correct political conditions in the world, will the popes Francis and Benedict XVI also welcome Muslims  and Jews, followers of Abraham, as being saved with 'ecclesial faith' ?
The Richard Cushing interpretation is fantasy theology.It is based  on an irrationality . They can see the dead now saved.
Catholics should have been calling Press Conferences, writing reports, going to the Vatican  and calling attention to this papal error.
1. Ask Pope Francis to name an Orthodox  Christian, Protestant or Pentecostal whom he knows in 2013 who does not need Catholic Faith for salvation.
 Catholic Faith include adults receiving the baptism of water, the Sacraments, information about avoiding Hell and avoiding mortal sins like divorce, contraception and believing the pope has apostolic succession and represents Jesus.
2.Ask the pope where does Vatican Council II mention any exceptions , known or unknown, to all needing to enter the Church 'as through  a door' and  with 'faith and baptism'.(AG 7,CCC 846)
-Lionel Andrades

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