Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lumen Fidei is the ordinary magisterium: an oversight is possible

The encylical implies Fr.Leonard Feeney was in heresy and not Cardinal Richard Cushing
The popes cannot make a mistake on faith and morals when they are speaking ex cathedra. In the ordinary magisterium of the church, it is not likely that they will make a mistake but an oversight is possible.There is an oversight in either Lumen Fidei or the ordinary and extra ordinary magisterium of the past. Both cannot be correct.
When the popes defined the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, there was no mistake in faith and morals. However Lumen Fidei, the joint encylical of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict carries a mistake since it contradicts the dogma on salvation. It is heretical. The heresy could be unintentional and an oversight.
Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church do not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since no known exceptions are mentioned to the dogma on salvation. Also we do not know any exception in 2013 to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church visibly, with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7).This was 'ecclesial faith' for centuries.It was upheld by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict clarified it in the subsistit in issue.
The dogma on salvation specifically mentions Orthodox Christians ( schismatics) and Protestants (heretics) as being on the way to the fires of Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441).
So when Lumen Fidei includes Christians, among those having ecclesial faith; Catholic faith, where is the doctrinal or theological precedent?
1) Vatican Council II does not state imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3), seeds of the Word(AG 11), elements of sanctification and grace (LG 8) are known to us or can be known in the present times.So in principle, possibilities are not defacto known and cannot be explicitly known.So they do not  contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They are irrelevant to it.
2) Vatican Council II does state  that all need faith and baptism for salvation and that all need to enter the Church as though a door (AG 7). This includes all Christians who do not have Catholic faith.
So Lumen Fidei has no basis for suggesting that Vatican Council II is responsible for this 'development of doctrine'.
Instead Vatican Council II  in Ad Gentes 7 says that the Church is necessary for salvation, all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation and all need to enter the Church as through a door. So here  Vatican Council II contradicts Lumen Fidei which indicates Protestants and Orthodox Christians do not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.
Lumen Fidei is vague and politically correct with the left. It is heretical when it suggests Protestants do not have to convert for salvation.It contradicts a defined dogma, which is  as ex cathedra as the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady.
Lumen Fidei is also irrational and contrary to commonsense. It suggests there are known exceptions in 2013 to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church. This is the familiar proclamation in the parishes and in homilies. They conclude that Jesus is necessary for salvation but every one does not need to be a visible member of the Catholic Church in 2013 - as if they know exceptions.
This is a new doctrine with no basis in tradition. It is useful for the leftists , who are using ecumenism, to create a one world religion, with a false image of Jesus and a false worship in the Church.
Lumen Fidei is the ordinary magisterium which is a break with the past.It is not guided by the Holy Spirit when it  suggests that there are known exceptions to the defined dogma and so Christians do not need to convert. The Holy Spirit cannot teach one truth over many centuries and then change it in 2013. He cannot teach irrationality like Christians saved with imperfect communion with the Church or seeds of the Word being physically visible to us and so are known exceptions to Tradition.
This is an objective error, a factual error in Lumen Fidei. Pope Francis and Benedict XVI imply that they can physically see the dead.
This encyclical contradicts Pope Francis on the feast day of St.George, when he said Jesus cannot be found outside the Church. He was referring to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Since he also cited Pope Paul VI (Evangelii Nuntiandi) and St.Ignatius of Loyola.
St.Ignatius held the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with no exceptions, similar to Fr.Leonard Feeney, the great missionary in Boston,USA.
It was the Archbishop of Boston Cardinal Richard Cushing who was in heresy and broke with Tradition.Fr.Leonard Feeney was not in heresy as the leftist propaganda alleges.
Fr.Leonard Feeney was not asked to recant before the excommunication was lifted.He simply was asked to recite the Creed. Instead of the Nicene Creed he  chose the Athanasius Creed which repeats, Outside the Church there is no salvation. If they considered him a heretic they would have to do the same also for the popes and saints and Doctors of the Church.Even Vatican Council II would be suspect.
So how can Lumen Fidei ask theologians to accept a dead man walking theology ? 
To suggest that we know exceptions to a defined dogma is first class heresy.
-Lionel Andrades

July 10, 2013

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