Thursday, July 25, 2013

Msgr.Guido Pozzo specialised in Dogmatic Theology : he accepted the dead man walking and visible theory

Msgr.Guido Pozzo who oversaw   the Vatican-Society of St.Pius X talks,over doctrinal differences, studied at the Gregorian University  where he received a license and  doctorate in dogmatic theology.
He had his complete formation at the Gregorian University in Dogmatic Theology where he was exposed to the dead man walking and visible theory. He was taught, as at present, that the dead now  saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire are visible to all of us on earth. These cases are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

This was part of his studies and he accepted it obediently and may be unthinkingly.
This was also the formation of the theologians who particapted in the Vatican-SSPX talks. They accepted like Guido Pozzo that  the dead man walking and visible on earth is a known reality. This objective error was not restricted to the Gregorian University.
The SSPX theologians even today condemn Fr.Leonard Feeney since  this  dead man walking theory  was not part of his formation. The American priest from Boston insisted he could not see any known or unknown exceptions to his literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation. So the Jesuits expelled him and  the Archbishop placed restrictions.The excommunication was enforced for some 19 years.
Since then Mnsgr,.Guido and so many others are appreciating the Emperors New Clothes.They can see the deceased who are real exceptions in 2013 to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. Monsgr.Guido Pozzo was granted a licentiate and a doctorate with this observation.
Possibly if he said the Emperor has no clothes they would have asked him to leave.He would not have qualified to study at the Gregorian Pontifical University.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Question for liberal minded Catholics? ...... If Catholics do not teach to non Catholics that there is "No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church"....then who is going to teach the very core of our faith to non Catholics...Just wandering !


    George Brenner
