Thursday, July 25, 2013

Washington Post false catechesis on immodesty in clothes

A Washington Post report on Modesty does not mention that immodesty is a mortal sin for Catholics, it is the cause of lust and scandal among the onlookers which are grave sins, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The report says :
As Ann Cabiness stood in the Communion line at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church on Sunday morning, two things were on her mind: connecting with God and getting out of the humid sanctuary before someone mentioned her skimpy tank top and tight, knee-length running pants.
“I know I’m inappropriate, but I’m trying to save time. I know I’m in the wrong. My mother would not approve,” the 30-year-old said sheepishly as she made a beeline from Mass at the Bethesda church to the gym. “But would it be better that I not come?”
Summer in our sweltering region forces a theological question: How does God feel about exposed shoulders in a house of worship? Or toes? Or some glimpse of thigh?
With temperatures in the 80s by 7:30 a.m. services, this is the season for church bulletin items like the one in Our Lady’s: “Dignity & Decorum: Please try not to wear beach shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thank you.”
“I know I’m inappropriate".
 It is not only inappropriate it is a sin.In this state she should not go up to receive the Eucharist since it would be a sacrilege.
“But would it be better that I not come?”
It would have been better to cover yourself and then go for Confession. Then receive the Eucharist at Mass.Going to the gym or the beach in those same clothing is also a sin.
According to Pope John Paul II's Veritatis Splendor the outward action, the way she was dressed indicated the inner intention; the knowledge that it was a sin.
It says a mortal sin is always a mortal sin.
The Catholic Church is the only moral authority and not the Washington Post and the Catholic Church still teaches the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This would not be reported in the Washington Times. Instead it would be said that the Church has changed its teaching on modesty as it has on outside the church there is no salvation.The fullness of truth is not there in Christian communities and churches as it is in the Catholic Church.
Many priests today (Jesuits etc) would say that we know today people saved without the baptism of water and who are saved in invincible ignorance etc, visible for them. So there are exceptions.This is false.
Similarly immodesty is not a mortal sin for them since there can be cases who do not have 'full knowledge' or 'deliberate consent' and of course these cases are visible and known to them. This again is irrational. So immodesty does not fulfull the three conditions  since the two conditions which can be visible for us are not visible.It is because they are not visible only one condition is needed: grave matter. Immodesty is grave matter. If anyone dressed immodestily is innocent it would be judged by God. In general the bikini at the beach is a mortal sin.
The girl in the Washington Post picture is visible for us and it is a mortal sin.-Lionel Andrades

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