Thursday, July 25, 2013

So many professors of theology and no one can respond

There are no many professors of theology, priests, at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and none  of them want to respond to the  blog post: Jesuits in first class heresy and other related reports on this blog,sent to them. They get a salary to teach theology and related subjects but now they will not respond on a professional subject.May be the professors are waiting for the Rector to come forward and he expects the Dean of Theology,R.P.Darius Kowalczyk ( )  to respond, while none of the priest-professors want to give an account of their faith.They have so many specializations.

Biblical Theology Prof.essa Bruna Costacurta ( ),Fundamental Theology Michelina Tenaci (, Dogmatic Theology, Sergio P.Bonanini ( ).
Fr.Keith Pecklers ( ) would be quick to give a statement to the secular media against the traditionalists and sedevacantists but he has nothing to say here.Now he knows there are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II or many magisterial document, to  extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So this means he has the same literal understanding of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney and the traditionalists and sedevacantists ?.He will  probably be teaching the traditional doctrine on salavtion in the  next semester.Who knows?
Prof.Fr.Philip Renzces ( )has been promoting a theology of the Holocaust but has no comment here.Now he knows there are no known exceptions in 2013 to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism' (AG 7) for salvation (to avoid Hell).He will teach this with reference to present day Jews and the other non  Catholics?
When the priest-professors at the Gregorian University make a public Profession of Faith it is heretical. They recite the Nicene Creed assuming there is known and visible baptism. So instead of one known baptism, the baptism of water, they believe there are three known and visible baptisms (water,blood and desire). If they continue with this heresy after being informed it is a mortal sin.The Athanisus Creed states 'outside the church there is no salvation' for them it is 'outside the church there is known salvation'.
They may deny that they believe there are three known and visible baptism of(water, blood and desire) instead of one (water).However when they say there are  known exceptions to the literal interpreattion  of the dogma extra eccleisam nulla salus, then for them being saved in invincible ignorance, implicit desire etc are visible and known cases. They would have to be known in 2013 for them to be exceptions to the Catholic teaching that all need to convert into the Chruch for salvation and there are no exceptions.
Over the centuries it was known that all needed to convert into the Church for salvation and there were no known exceptions.It was also known that those saved in invincible ignorance or implicit desire were known only to God,so the Church Councils did not mention them.They are possibilities and not  exceptions.
One of the Consultants at the University chapel is Sr.Brenda Dolphin ( ) of the Psychology Department. She will continue to receive the  Eucharist at Mass from Jesuit   priests in public heresy.Also at the chapel in Spiritual Direction these heresies will be upheld.The Jesuits will deny the dogma outside the church there is no salvation and teach that there are known exceptions to  mortal sin.This is a contradiction to St.Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits saints and it is a new doctrine based on the irrational premise of being able to see the dead-saved.
-Lionel Andrades

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