Friday, July 12, 2013

The Catholic Church is the actual instrument through which God works his salvific action- Michael Voris

– not merely a sign of salvation...

If it were not for the Catholic Church, the whole world would end up in Hell because the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation. This is its charter – to be the instrument of salvation – not merely a sign of salvation, but the actual instrument through which God works His salvific action.
-Michael Voris


  1. Lionel, I think that Voris is very good but he still has yet to say, in so many words, that True and Catholic Faith AND Baptism is necessary for EVERY human creature for salvation. Submission to the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on Earth is also necessary. I hope & pray that he keeps walking until he too is a Feeneyite. His latest statement could be miscontrued as the SSPX, FSSP, & most other Trads understand it, i.e. "without the Church" there is no salvation.

  2. He still has to identify the Cushing Error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.He has also to identify how the error was used against Fr.Leonard Feeney's traditional understanding of the dogma.
    He does say outside the Church there is salvation but does not enter into theology or doctrine.

  3. Do you mean he says 'outside the Church there is NO salvation'? If so, where/when does he actually say that?

  4. In different ways many times he has said outside the Church there is no salvation.

  5. So many of the posts on the Internet do not state that the baptism of desire has nothing to do with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    So even if he is 'a Feenyite' he will not be able to see how Vatican Council II can be interpreted according to Cushing, who believed the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are known exceptions.
