Friday, July 12, 2013

The Cushing error is convenient and prudent for intepreting Vatican Council II

Catholic Answers, EWTN, CUF, Steubenville, Ignatius,Ave Maria college, convert apologists would agree that ecclesial faith mentioned in Lumen Fidei would include Christians, and not just Catholics, since they all like the traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II according to the Cushing error.

They do not make the distintion between explicit and implicit, in fact and in principle, visible and invisible.Like Cardinal Richard Cushing they mix up possibilities known to God as being personally known realities in the present times.

It could be simple ignorance on their path.However for those who are not ignorant it is also being prudent with a lie. EWTN apologists know that the Cushing error is irrational but they would not like to appear anti Semitic, traditionalist and hated by the political Left for interpreting the Council according to the reasoning of Fr.Leonard Feeney.It does not pay financially. It is not good for the career. So lie.

Convert apologist Robert Sungenis has removed references to Christ the King from the homepage of his website The Bellarmine Report.If he refuses to interpret Vatican Council II according to Richard Cushing will his website be targeted by the anti- Semitic censors?

Rorate Caeli removed posts critical of the International Theological Commission President and Secretary, who interpreted Vatican Council II according to Cardinal Richard Cushing- with the visible dead theory.A liberal Rabbi in Rome who teaches ecumenism at the Angelicum University, Rome with the Richard Cushing interpretation objected.

If Rorate Caeili interprets Vatican Council II without the Richard Cushing Error leading to the dead man walking and visible theology, would Rorate have to pull down reports about Vatican Council II ?

So when Rorate continues to give us the usual interpretations of Vatican Council II with the Cushing mistake is it because New Catholic and other editors on Rorate really don't understand or are they protecting themself with the falsehood?

Is this the reason why they are all silent when Lumen Fidei includes Christians as having ecclesial faith ?-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. I think that is was of just such "prudence" that Paul spoke when he quoted, "... the prudence of the prudent I will reject." ICor 1:19 These people go along to get along so as to keep from being despised by the world as Our Lord was.
