Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cushingism at conference suggests magisterium has made a mistake

If John Rao, John Vennari and the others would  use  Feeneyism ( no visible to us exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church) then the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is a polite condemnation of Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston. Since being saved with implicit desire and in invincible ignorance (mentioned in the Letter) is not an exception to 'the dogma', 'the infallible teaching'( also mentioned in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949).
With Feeneyism ( no visible-dead)  the Letter cites 'the dogma' whose text does not mention implicit desire etc. So the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is in agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney who was excommunicated for disobedience and was not asked by the Church to recant his traditional interpretation of the dogma on salvation.
John Rao, John Vennari and most of the SSPX members interpret the Letter of the Holy Office using Cushingism.
Also in the last paragraphs of the Letter of the Holy Office  where Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center are criticized , the SSPX assume it is for heresy and not disobedience. The text of the Letter mentions it was for  disobedience.
So the participants at the 2013 Catholic Identity Conference would really being saying, through Cushingism, that the Letter has made an objective error in assuming that there are known exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.Pope Pius XII  was assuming we could see the dead-saved.This is the view of the SSPX and their traditionalist supporters.This is a factual mistake of Pope Pius XII according to them, since we canot see the dead on earth.In other words, they are saying that the  magisterium has made a mistake.
With Feeneyism we see that the magisterium has not made a mistake. The error is there in the traditionalist's interpretation of the Council with an irrationality; being able to see the dead who are known exceptions to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

More party-line irrationality from Rao,Vennari and others: another politically correct conference


1 comment:

  1. Way in the depths of the jungle there is a man in a tree house. If no one knows about him, he is in the hands of God. If some Catholics know about him it is their obligation to try to convert him to the Catholic faith. If he is of good will he will convert to Catholicism. If the possibility exists that he is in the condition of invincible ignorant that would indeed be known to God and not to man. If he is invincibly ignorant he would be in the hands of God and we need not worry about him, since to us he does not exist. God's possible mercy towards him is not ever known to us. It hypothetecially is out of our hands and not known or visible to us. The same holds true for the possibility of Baptism of Desire as it applies to Salvation. Thus Invincible Ignorance and Baptism of Desire are completely and totally irrelevant to teaching always and everywhere that there is NO Salvation Outside the Catholic Church. Cushingism oversteps the bounds and has led to them playing God and are therefore disobedient to centuries of teaching the faith and have misled the world and more importantly almost all who claim to be Catholic.


    George Brenner
