Monday, September 30, 2013

Sant Egido pro Freemasonry meeting underway in Rome : pope sends greetings

The inter religious meeting based on the Freemason model and values and organised by the Catholic St. Egidio community (Sant Egido) is underway in Rome. Yesterday (Sept 29) there was Holy Mass at the Basilica of St.Paul Outside the Walls, at which the chief celebrant was Cardinal Augustine Vaillani, Vicar General of Rome. There were representatives at the Mass, from the Christian communities and ecclesial communities, according to the leaflets distributed by the organisers.
The meeting from Sept-29-Oct 1 is titled 'Il Coraggio della Speranza'. Religion and culture in dialogue is the theme.
Sant Egidio promotes the Jewish Left values within the Catholic Church, they are higly recommended by the pro Israeli rabbi in Rome.
Their founder Andrea Riccardi agrees with the ADL and says there must be no Catholic mission as it was traditionally done.They have also discarded the doctrines. They encourage a theology of religions,which is now being taught by the Left in Pontifical universities, including Urbaniana University, which was formerly a Catholic university specializing in Mission.
The meeting underway in many churches and sites in Rome, where discussion is encouraged, uses the popular Cushing interpretation of Vatican Council II.The present gathering, which it is being claimed is being held in the 'spirit of Assisi',  is another event, contributing to a Freemason 'one world religion', which will include pagan worshippers and Catholics comfortable with homosexuality, abortion, atheism, communism etc - and in which people will not know about sin or Hell, until after they die.
The meeting is also one of many, which is a preparation for the coming of a false messiah, Lord Maitreya, as he is known in the Theosophical Society, an old front-organisation for hard core Masonry.
With the use of irrational Cushingism ,they are all able to reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II (AG 7- all need faith and baptism for salvation) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846- all need to enter the Church as through a door).So the liberals from different religions and communities meeting in Rome, will not be presented with the true Catholic teachings.
Based on falsehood and leftist priorities, they will conduct meetings in the name of peace, solidarity, unity and other similar slogans.Rabbi David Rosen is participating and Pope Francis has sent a message.
David Rosen has been intolerant of the SSPX and the traditionalists and along with others has also objected to Catholic mission being part of inter-religious meetings.When one considers the hidden aims of such meetings and the people participating in them and the values which they enforce with political and military threats, such meetings could be the work of Satan.
-Lionel Andrades


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