Thursday, September 12, 2013

Since there are no known exceptions there are no exceptions.

I suggest using the word, exception.


The word exception is not used in Vatican Council II.
Since there are no known exceptions there are no exceptions.
So for the text in Vatican Council II which are mistaken for exceptions(Deadwood Statements), we could use the word possibilities.
The baptism of desire is a possibility but not an exception.
Those who know about Jesus and the Church and yet do not enter and are damned, are known only to God so they are not exceptions to anything. They are possibilities for us.
Those who are saved in imperfect communion with the Church are not known exceptions. They are not exceptions and Unitatis Redintigratio,Vatican Council II, does not claim they are exceptions, they can only be possibilities known to God.
-Lionel Andrades

(from comments on the blogpost 

"Anything else is not Baptism. Anything else will not bring salvation.Anything else is not available.Period!" 

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