Saturday, October 5, 2013


It is time to interpret Vatican Council II without the dead man walking and visible theory and so the canonisation of the two popes, Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II could be a celebration for all Catholics, including traditionalists.
 Pope John Paul II (left) and Pope John XXIII
Pope John XXIII's Vatican Council II is traditionalist  when the  popular Cushing interpretation is not used. So Catholics should celebrate and show how the Council is in harmony with Catholic Tradition, there being no ambiguity on other religions and Christian communities. When this is clear it could be seen how Religious Liberty in the Council can be interpreted according to Tradition. Since Dignitatis Humane  in Vatican Council II refers to religous liberty in a secular state. A state with a secular Constituion the text says. This is a defacto situation which exists and is accepted by all today. It is the legal norm.At the same time DH affirms the traditional teaching on religous liberty, the moral obligation to proclaim a Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation.
Discerning traditionalists could organise meetings and conferences, place announcements and advertisements in the media, where possible, which show Pope John XIII and Vatican Council II being traditional , without the dead man walking theory.
' A premise-free Council is a traditional Council !'
(How is that for a slogan ?!)
Another subject for a Conference could be :
Vatican Council II and Fr.Leonard Feeney: The Dogmatic Constitution of the Church in  Lumen Gentium 14 and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Another Conference :
The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) and the sedevantistists CMRI, MHFM and others misinterpret the two popes and Vatican Council II  when they use the false premise.
Did Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre know about the false premise ? Two ways to interpret his 'Hindu in Tibet saved in his religion through Jesus' concept.
The leftist ADL,SPLC and Freemason Lodges are using the Cushing view of Vatican Council II with the irrational premise- the two popes are not to be blamed for the error of the secular media.
Someone needs to inform Wikipedia.
Etc, etc.
-Lionel Andrades

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