Saturday, October 5, 2013

We must continue to support Pope Francis-he still has not discovered that there are no known exceptions to the Church's traditional teaching on faith and morals

Traditonalists need to support Pope Francis and avoid the dead man walking theory. It is possible that at some time in the future he and the Jesuits may realize that we cannot see the dead one earth  who are known exceptions;  visible exceptions, to the traditional teaching on faith and morals.Until this  realization , this awarenmess of the error,  dawns on Pope Francis we just have to wait.It has taken some 60-plus years in the Church, before we discovered the error , the false premise being used in the interpretation of magisterial documents, the legacy of Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston. The American problem!
Let's face it. Catholic conservatives and traditonalists are  using the same error of being able to see the dead saved. When did Michael Voris   ever say that Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 agree with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors and that Lumen Gentuim 16  and Lumen Gentium 8 are not known exceptions to AG 7 and LG 14 ? Instead he says the Council is ambigous ! Ambigous on other religions and Christian communities? There are known exceptions to the dogma mentioned in the Council ? He can name these exceptions?.
So can we blame Pope Francis and Cardinal Walter Kaspar when the traditionalists  make the same error?
Pick up any book of Roberto Dei Mattei on Vatican Council II and you will come across the dead man walking theory, even though it is not mentioned in Vatican Council II. When did Mattei say that the Council is in agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston and Tradition in general?
So can we blame only the Jesuits ?
When the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the USA, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, can say in public that Vatican Council II does not  contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the Catholic professors dismissed by Boston College for their Catholic beliefs , in a religious discrimination and an injustice,  then we can expect the pope to come back to a Catholic Tradition.
Pope Francis is our pope and we support him (except in error) and pray for him.-Lionel Andrades

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