Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pope Pius XII Father of Liberal Theology in the Catholic Church?

For Pope Francis, Pope Pius XII must definitely be a liberal. Since he did not correct in the 1940's, Cardinal Richard Cushing's via eccezionale (exceptional way). The exceptional way to the ordinary means of salvation, a new doctrine, made in the USA.
The Archbishop of Boston and the Jesuits there gave us the concept of an exceptional way of salvation in the present times. Not just in theory but de facto. Not only in principle but visible in the flesh. People saved in Heaven whom you could see on earth.
Now even the SSPX (Italy) believes there is a via eccezionale.(See Fr.Jean Marie Gleize/SSPX).
Pope Francis has not got permission from the Jewish Left to canonize Pope Pius XII. Of course he would like to canonize the pope who permitted a breakthrough in liberal theology for the Catholic Church.Perhaps due to political reasons Pope Pius XII did not clarify that in the Boston Case it was the Archbishop of Boston who was in heresy for claiming there were known exceptions to the defined dogma. Perhaps he did want to say in public that all Jews need to convert into the Church visibly for salvation.Instead the excommunication on Fr.Leonard Feeney was maintained for years.Politicaly it was expedient.
So the error spread in the Catholic Church. There were the dead who were saved who were exceptions to Tradition.
This premise was the basis for liberalism and dissent in the Church.
If any one sought to correct it , there would be a reference to the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational Cushingism.
-Lionel Andrades

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