Saturday, October 12, 2013

The pope's empty citation

If a Catholic would meet Pope Francis, it could be asked: "Your Holiness, why are you contradicting the Catholic Church's teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church?"
The pope would answer,"It has been changed since Vatican Council II".
"Which text in Vatican Council II are you referring to for this change, Your Holiness?"
"Lumen Gentium 16, for example", the pope would say."Non Catholics can be saved in invincible ignorance. So every one does not have to convert into the Church any more in the present times".
"Do you know anyone who has been saved in invincible ignorance in 2013 ?"
"No. Of course I personally do not know of any case. These cases are known to only God."
"If we don't know of any such case in 2013 how can being saved in invincible ignorance be an exception to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation?"
There is a pause.
"Your Holiness is there any church document which says that invincible ignorance is a known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
"I don't know of any".
"Does Lumen Gentium 16 say this?"
If you meet the pope ask him why is he issuing statements contrary to the traditional Church teachings. Ask him why does he use the premise of the dead-saved being visible as an exception to Tradition. He will keep citing text from Vatican Council II with this error.
Without the visible- dead- saved theory Pope Francis cannot say Jews do not have to convert in the present times, atheists are going to Heaven or that he can judge homosexuals who are not going to Hell.
Once this error is exposed he would have to be making  non traditional statements out of thin air. Since he then cannot refer to Vatican Council II. He cannot use the Council as a pretext.
Now instead he can refer to Vatican Council II since Catholics at large , including apologists, are ignorant of the dead man walking and visible theory being used to interpret the Council.
Pope Francis is interpreting magisterial documents with Cushingism i.e there are known exceptions to the dogma extra  ecclesiam nulla salus.
He is mixing up in principle (de jure) and defacto ( in reality) cases.
He is confusing what is implicit  for us (salvation in Heaven) as being explicit for us ( visible on earth).
He is using an irrationality ( the ability to see the dead) to reject Tradition.
Most of the liberal theology today  is based on this specific error.
'Triumphalism' rejects the dogma on salvation because of allegedly known exceptions.
Atheism and homosexuality are not mortal sins in general, since there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching.
The basis for the error in the pope's statements is Cushingism.This has to be identified.
-Lionel Andrades

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