Thursday, October 24, 2013

Priebke Funeral- Interview with Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci, District Superior,SSPX, Albano -3

D. 8 - Among the most negative reactions to your decision , we find especially those from some sectors of the Catholic world . In particular, there was a stunning and uncharitable tone expressed by the director of Radio Maria , which more than others should teach mercy . Even the Bishop of Albano , Lazio issued harsh statements against the Society of St. Pius X coming to argue that it is not part of the Catholic Church . What can you say about it ?
R. Membership in the Church is not only something that is purely legal. St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the first condition to be part of the Mystical Body of Christ is faith. Unfortunately, after the Second Vatican Council , new doctrines were taught by the church authorities in contradiction with the constant teaching of the Church. Our Fraternity , duly recognized by the Church from November 1, 1970 , has  unjustly been fought against for their opposition to these changes.
Changes which then give rise to behavior contrary to Catholic doctrine , such as, to comply with political correctness, denying the funeral of a baptized person who dies reconciled with God.
While respecting authority, the Society of St. Pius X has always been opposed to these errors , convinced that the greatest service we can render to the Church is not servility but the proclamation of the whole of Catholic teaching in its integrity and denouncing everything
that is opposed to it, even when proclaimed by a part of the hierarchy .
To say that we are not Catholics, especially by priests who should know the doctrine of the Church, is a pure lie and perhaps would call for a public act of reparation.
On the other hand I realize that many Catholics and even many bishops judge us without knowing us, often starting from prejudices and stereotypes.
The Bishop of Albano, for whom every priest of our Priory prays for daily in the canon of the Mass  is always welcome to join us and he can check if we really are not part of the Church as perhaps he has said unwisely.
D. 9 - Other commentators , evidently ill-informed , have approached your decision to positions of Msgr. Richard Williamson or don Floriano Abrahamowicz.
What can you say about it?
R. As Superior of the Society of St. Pius X District in Italy I want to clarify that both Bishop Williamson and don Floriano Abrahamowicz were expelled from our Fraternity precisely because some of their positions are incompatible with the vocation of the Fraternity. Their claims do not represent in any way the official thinking of the Society of St. Pius X... I would also like to point out that some declarations in the newspapers, cited as being my statements, are just not representative of our thinking. The mercy of God does not exclude anyone when there is true repentance .
D. 10 How did you live that afternoon in the community?
R. On the day of the funeral we have seen , unfortunately, manifestations of hate . There was the spitting and kicking of the hearse under the eyes of a mayor with a tricolor flag ! I was amazed at the banner of some protesters which said " The Eternal Father may forgive you but not us ." This funeral was the occasion of an open clash between opposing doctrines : the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church centered on mercy and forgiveness on the one hand and ideologies that do not know how to forgive or do not want to forgive the other.
There was the immutable law of Love and Charity, and that of hatred , revenge , and of ' " an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ."
It is the law of Christ that we propose to follow , far from any ideological controversy .
D. 11 - There have been finally newspapers that have tried to associate the image of a community of Saint Pius X in Albano poorly integrated with the local population who would not like the presence of the Priory on their territory. Is it like this
R. Our Fraternity is present here in Albano since 1974. It has formed diverse generations of children for First Communion and Confirmation, and performs works of mercy towards the sick and the poor to whom are regularly distributed food and clothing . We have so many friends in the population who have also expressed their solidarity in this matter .
I refuse to believe that the angry mob which last Tuesday was abandoned to partisan hatred before the coffin of a dead man can be representative of the inhabitants of Albano.
To conclude I would like to quote a phrase from St. Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians: " If I tried to please men , I would not be a servant of Christ ." I think this should be the program and the ideal of a man of the Church : to always act in accordance with the teaching of Christ , never to compromise with the spirit of the world.

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