Thursday, October 24, 2013

Times have changed

Times have changed in the Catholic Church. In the past you could have been mistaken for a sedevacantist or traditionalist if you said outside the Church there is no salvation.
In the past Catholics would consider you someone who rejects Vatican Council II if you said outside the church there is no salvation.Many now understand that one can accept Vatican Council II and also the literal interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
One does not have to be a sedevacantist to hold the rigorist interpretation , which was the traditional interpretation of the Church's teaching on salvation.
Similarly it is no more triumphalism, to say there is exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church , since Vatican Council II without the Cushing Error itself would be triumphalistic in AG 7 and LG 14.
Vatican Council II has not changed the Church's teaching on salvation. It has not brought 'a revolution' into the Church as the anti-Catholic  media says, unless your using Cushingism in the interpretation of the Council.
The post-Vatican Council II Catholic Church is traditional in the Council-texts, when interpreted with Feeneyism.More Catholics know it today. There can be two interpretations  one with a false  premise and the other without it.
-Lionel Andrades

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