Saturday, October 12, 2013

Questions the SSPX (Italy) will not respond to : how can there be an exceptional way of salvation in 2013 ?

It is about two weeks since I spoke to the SSPX Prior at Albano,Italy and over a year since I have e-mailed repeatedly the Dictrict Superior of the SSPX, Italy and received no answer.

Here are four basic questions for them.
1) Is there any magisterial document which says that the baptism of desire is visible to us in the present times ?
2) Is there any magisterial document which says that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
3) Do we personally know the dead now saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) etc,can we see them, are they physically visible to us in 2013 ?

4) Since we do not know any of these cases, there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

Their  answers would lead to the following two question:
5) How can there be a via eccezionale (exceptional way  of salvation in 2013) to the ordinary means of salvation which is the baptism of water, given to adults with Catholic faith? Is there an error in the book by Fr.Jean Marie Gleize which is being sold at the SSPX chapel in Rome ?

6) When we do not know of any exceptions in 2013 how can there be an exceptional way of salvation? 

The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are possibilities and not exceptions to anything since we do not know any such case in 2013.
The answers to these questions would indicate that Vatican Council II does not contradict the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.
The SSPX priests to whom I spoke to know this! However this means they would be contradicting the postion of Econe on this subject.It now seems an issue of internal politics.The SSPX (Italy) is being prudent and denying a teaching of the Catholic Faith. They also do not want to admit, like the sedevacantists, that they were in error all these years over the Letter of the Holy Office which can be interpreted with Cushingism( as they do so now) or with Feeneyism.
-Lionel Andrades
VaticanoII un dibattito aperto

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