Saturday, February 8, 2014

Intolerant rabbi still allowed to speak at the Gregorian University

The locations of the Pontifical Gregorian University

Liberal rabbis who have been intolerant of the Catholic Church's teachings are among regular speakers at the Pontifical Gregorian University Rome. The rabbi who was intolerant of the Catholic understanding of history and the message of Jesus Christ is permitted to speak at the Jesuit university.
There is no known  Jewish Left university which allows Catholic priests to express basic Catholic doctrines to Jewish students.
However with the support of anti Semitic laws Jewish Left rabbis, in public, ask Catholics  to proclaim the Catholic Faith only to the extent  they approve of it.  
According to Wikipedia  Rabbi Segno  has expressed concern over the state of Christian–Jewish dialogue during the papacy of Benedict XVI, at a time shortly after the Italian Rabbinical Assembly decided to temporarily suspend interfaith talks. Segno alongwith with Rabbi Lara went to Vatican offices and the Pontifical universities warning them.
Those professors who affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church opposed by them could be labelled  right wing extremists, anti-Semitic etc under criminals laws in Italy placed by the Jewish ADL and Italian politicians. Catholic parishes have to invite Anna Foa, from a Communist family to speak, otherwise... 
The Pontifical University allows speakers of the Jewish Left. They are  associated with organisations which support abortion, homosexuality, communism, atheism etc and who dominate the media associated with pornography and scandal. These are the values of Satan.
Rabbis who oppose the Jewish Left and are critical of  Sodom and Gommorrah are not invited to speak.  Jewish Rabbis who oppose Zionism are not guest speakers. The prohibition extends to Christian  leaders of  Jews for Jesus. Jews for Jesus are not allowed to proclaim their faith freely at the Gregorian University.
Through the Cardinal Bea Center for Jewish Studies at the Gregorian University Rome the liberal Rabbis can project Judaism as another religion which offers salvation equal to the Catholic Church.This is heresy for Catholics. Neither is this  accepted by conservative Jews who have no access to the university.
The university has further surrendered and opened a Department of the Theology of Religions.It is part of the Missiology department. They are also using the information and documentation of SIDIC a pro abortion documentation which opposes the doctrines of the Catholic Church.
Tomorrow there could be courses on the Kabbala and if any one objects it could be considered anti-Semitic.--Lionel Andrades

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