Saturday, February 8, 2014

Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius of Loyola with new doctrines in April

From April 12-20 the Jesuits priests at the Pontifical Gregorian University Rome will conduct the Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius of Loyola at Torricella in Sabina,Italy. It will be guided by Father Damien Astigueta S.J, Fr.Mark Rotsaest S.J and Fr.Jaimie Castella S.J.The cost is 300 euros-plus.
The Spiritual Exercises are expected to omit the meditation on Hell and the one on mortal sin.
The Jesuit guides are expected also to reject St.Ignatius of Loyola's understanding of salvation and outside the Church there is no salvation.
Participants must be aware that they will interpret Vatican Council II with the now familiar visible to us salvation in Heaven, which are visible and known exceptions to St.Ignatius' concept of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The students at the Gregorian University now know that that all religions are equal paths to salvation and it is with this understanding they will come for the Exercises. The Cardinal Bea Center for Judaic Studies has announced via another conference how Judaism is a path to salvation without Jesus Christ.
Fr. François-Xavier Dumortier SJ, Rector
The students are also familiar with the new Department of the Theology of Religions.
So with these concepts the Jesuit priests will conduct the Spiritual Exercises.
-Lionel Andrades

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