Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fr.John Hunwicke and participants at the Roman Forum Meeting this summer will be unaware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

The participants at the Roman Forum Gardone Meeting this summer( 30 June – 11 July 2014) will going in circles discussing Vatican Council II, unaware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error.

Fr John Hunwicke one of the speakers writes in a comment on Protect the Pope March 19, 2014 

The Council, as a Pastoral Council, addressed the world of its own day, offering an analysis of that day and proposing answers to what it saw as the problems of that day. Our own day is very different, with different problems. Sooner or later, the Church will either have to come to a mind about what, in the Conciliar documents, is of permanent value; or, more probably, the Council will just disappear gently into the past, having become part of the general background noise of the Church. Just like, for example, the Council of Vienne. …er … what’s that? You’ve never heard of the Council of Vienne?
My point exactly.

He is repeating what  Dr.John Dudley of the Fischer More College said in an address to the students. They are both going in circles.They are unaware of the objective error they are making in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

Dr.John Rao and Mgr.Dr.Ignacio Barreiro are aware of the irrational interpretation in Vatican Council II but they are personally not going to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For personal reasons it would be difficult for them to accept in public that Vatican Council II affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is difficult for them to say that there are no known exceptions mentioned in the Council.
Career wise they could be comfortable with Vatican Council II being a break with the past.
Vatican Council II is a traditionalist's Council.However to admit this in public is to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to ask for persecution.
-Lionel Andrades

Faculty, Clergy, Musicians at the Roman Forum Meeting

Dr. Miguel Ayuso Torres (University of Madrid)
Rev. Mgr. Dr. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula (Human Life International)
James Bogle, Esq. (President of Una Voce International; Author, A Heart for Europe)
Andrew Cichy (Musical Director, Merton College, Oxford)
Dr. Danilo Castellano (University of Udine)
Rev. Bernard Danber, O.S.A.
Bernard Dumont (editor, Catholica, France)
Christopher A. Ferrara, J.D. (President, A.C.L.A.)
Rev. John Hunwicke (Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham)
Michael J. Matt (Editor, The Remnant)
Professor John Médaille (University of Dallas)
Rev. Dr. Richard Munkelt (University of Fairfield)
Dr. John C. Rao (St. John’s University)
Dr. Thomas Stark (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule, Austria)

March 20, 2014

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