Friday, March 14, 2014

Ideology is still wrongly being associated with the Holy Mass

Feast of the Assumption_05
The Traditional Latin Mass is still being referred to as 'ideological'. Here is Michael J.Miller making the same error. How can the Mass be ideological ?
First: Bishop Olson is no enemy of the Traditional Latin Mass; the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter staffs St. Mary of the Assumption parish in his diocese. Less than a half-hour away, in the neighboring Diocese of Dallas, the FSSP also staffs Mater Dei Parish, which has one or two Traditional Latin Masses every day of the week. Therefore no lay people unaffiliated with the college are being deprived by the bishop’s ruling. (For basis of comparison: I live in the densely populated Archdiocese of Philadelphia, which has four parishes where Sunday Mass is celebrated in the Extraordinary Form, and I drive 40-45 minutes to the nearest one.)  -Michael J.Miller
In simpler language: the local Ordinary is obliged by canon law to defend Church unity and to ensure that abuses do not creep into the celebration of the sacraments (canon 392). The celebration of Mass in the Extraordinary Form must not be turned into an ideological “statement” that would cause disunity.-Miller 
 An acquaintance of this author, whose husband has worked for Fisher More College for two years, says that the college president is “a borderline sedevacantist” (i.e. suggests that the post-conciliar popes have not been valid)
Clearly, the intolerance and ideological intransigence in this unhappy situation in Fort Worth are not to be found at the bishop’s chancery. 
It is important for Catholics to see that there is a campaign against the Traditional Latin Mass because of an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II which has nothing to do with the TLM.
One can hold the irrational interpretation and as a priest offer the Novus Ordo Mass or the TLM.
A priest can reject the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and offer the TLM or the Novus Ordo Mass. He would be holding the traditional position of the faculty of the Fischer More College.
Ideology does not depend on the Holy Mass.
The celebration of Mass in the Extraordinary Form must not be turned into an ideological “statement” that would cause disunity. -Miller
If one offered Holy Mass in the vernacular would it be disunity for a priest to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus along with Vatican Council II in which LG 16 ( being saved in invincible ignorance) etc is invisible for us and not visible on earth ? When LG 16 is invisible for us it is not an exception to all extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which says all need to enter the Church for salvation.This priest would have the same ideological position as the FMC faculty but would also be affirming Vatican Council II.
If a priest offered Holy Mass in English would it be disunity to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of  Errors  AND ALSO  Vatican Council II in which NA 2 ( being saved in other religions which have good and holy things)  etc  refer to cases known only to God and unknown to us in 2014 ? This priest would be affirming Tradition with the same ideological position as the faculty of the Fischer More College.He offers the Novus Ordo Mass!
 Would it be ideological intransigence if a priest offered Holy Mass in English and affirmed Vatican Council II ( Ad Gentes 7) saying 'all'  need 'faith and baptism' for salvation, so extra ecclesiam nulla salus is still the teaching of the Catholic Church as it was at the time of St.Robert Bellarmine, St.Francis Xavier, St.Francis of Assisi and the other saints.? This priest is not offering the TLM but holds the same 'ideological' position as the FMC faculty.He offers the Novus Ordo Mass with 'the TLM ideology' ?
 Why must a Catholic be considered a “a borderline sedevacantist” if he interprets Vatican Council II 'as not being ambigous' but in perfect accord with Tradition. If the Council does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus then the traditonal teachings on other religions and Christian communities is still the same with Vatican Council II.
Ideology does not depend on the Holy Mass.
-Lionel Andrades

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