Friday, March 14, 2014

Traditionalists will still be criticized but their opponents will not be able to use Vatican Council against them

There seems a campaign in the Catholic Church against Catholics who are faithful to the traditional teachings of the Church, the dogmas,doctrines and  liturgy. The campaign is underway based on an irrational interpretation of Vatican  Council II. Traditionalists seem unaware of the irrational interpretation of Vatican  Council II.
Instead of correcting it, they sit back and agree with their opponents on Vatican Council II. In their ignorance they support their opponents  by condemning Vatican Council II, which is praised by the pope and his Curia,also,  unaware of the false premise. This same irrational premise is used by the Curia in the interpretation of other magisterial texts too.Without the fantasy premise, Vatican Council II contradicts the non traditional position of the Holy Father and Catholics in general.
Vatican Council II is not a break with Tradition , it is not ambiguous when LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc are not assumed to be visible (instead of invisible), defacto, known in the present times (instead of being hypothetical  and a possibility), physically visible on earth (instead of being known only to God).
Roberto Mattei, John Lamont and others criticize Vatican Council II and the break with Tradition and the confusion which has resulted in the Church.They still are not aware that this is caused by considering LG 16  etc as explicit instead of implicit. They do not realize that hypothetical cases are never exceptions to all needing to visibly enter the Church in 2014.Here is the problem.
We cannot say Vatican Council II (UR 3, NA 2 etc) is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Instead we must affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus and say that LG 16  etc are probabilities but not exceptions to the dogma. This small shift toward rationality ( of course we cannot see the dead!)  makes Vatican Council II 'traditionalist extremism'.
Traditionalists will still be criticized but their opponents will not be able to use  Vatican Council II .
 Roberto dei Mattei and others can still criticize Vatican Council II but only a Vatican Council II interpreted with LG 16  being considered visible for us in real life. A  Vatican Council II with the irrational premise.
Roberto Mattei would also have to review his writings since it is based on a Vatican Council II with the false premise. Obviously the Council interpreted with an irrationality will emerge as a break with the dogmas of the Church. A pastoral Council would appear dogmatic. The irrationality would result  in a New Revelation in the Catholic Church.
The fault is not with the Council but with the premise.
-Lionel Andrades

Traditionalist extremism

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