Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bishop Fellay has never said that the baptism of desire is invisible for us while he has approved books and web pages saying it is visible in real life

Anyone who has the desire to be baptised and dies before he is able to BE baptised, may be saved.
Yes he may be saved. Yes I agree with you.
The baptism of desire is a possibility for salvation.
That’s what is meant by “baptism of desire” – I’m sure that is what I was taught at school and I’ve never heard any SSPX priest say differently.
The baptism of desire is not a problem for me.
The issue is : is the baptism of desire invisible for us or visible for us ?Can we see these cases in real life or are they hypothetical only ?
No SSPX priest wants to comment in public on this one. Privately they will agree with me.
I doubt very much if Bishop Fellay said anything differently either.

Bishop Fellay has never said that the baptism of desire is invisible for us.While he has approved books and web pages indicating that the baptism of desire is visible for us in real life.
It is because he considers those dead and now saved in Heaven as being visible that he assumes Vatican Council II contradicts the traditional teaching on other religions and ecumenism.
I think Andrades, as is his wont, had jumped on the word “exception” and made it mean something unintended. I can well imagine using that word myself when explaining the teaching, forgetting about criticis who pounce on every word in nit-picking fashion.
It is common in the Catholic Church, this includes supporters of the SSPX, to say that the baptism of desire is an exception to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. This implies that there are known cases on earth saved with the baptism of desire.For it to be an exception the person must exist. So the conclusion is that every one does not have to a member of the Catholic Church for salvation. This is a new doctrine rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
-Lionel Andrades

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