Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lutherans and other Protestants do not have Catholic Faith, which includes the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church and the Sacraments through which God saves.

Are you saying that there is no salvation outside the catholic church whatsoever?
I am saying that Vatican Council II (AG 7) says all need ‘faith and baptism’ for salvation. So this means the majority of non Catholics who die without faith and baptism are oriented to Hell at the time of death, if they have not converted into the Catholic Church.This teaching is also confirmed by the Catechism 1993(CCC 846), Dominus Iesus(20), the Catechism of Pope Pius X etc. So it is not a personal view.
In Heaven there are only Catholics, who have died without mortal sin on their soul and who had faith and baptism.
Out of interest what do think about the document ‘From Conflict to Communion’ on Lutheran/Catholic relations and Pope Benedict’s words to Sigrid Spath?
Lutherans and other Protestants do not have Catholic Faith, which includes the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church and the Sacraments through which God saves.They are outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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