Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Francscan Friars ask to be dispensed of their vows: Franciscans Sisters of the Immaculate being suppressed -Roberto de Mattei

Franciscans of the Immaculate ( Roberto de Mattei ) The last doubt, for those who still had them , have definitely been removed. There  exists a definite plan for the systematic destruction of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , the two religious institutes founded by Father Stefano Maria Manelli , now swept away by the storm .Monday, May 19, 2014 , Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life , announced to the Mother General of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , the appointment, with immediate effect , of a " visitor " to the Institute , with powers of full  control, equivalent to those of a " Commissioner " . In the general house of Frattocchie, Sr. Fernanda Barbiero, of the Sisters of St. Dorothy Maestre  took office , ipso facto...
The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate are a religious order of pontifical right, which is distinguished by the young average age , the number of vocations and especially  the rigor with which they live their charism , according to the approved Rule of St. Francis of Assisi . One section  of them carries an intense apostolic mission  in Africa, Brazil and the Philippines, while another  has embraced the contemplative life , in a spirit of deep austerity and prayer. The Sisters , inspired by the example of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe , run publishing houses , radio and popular  mainstream journals , such as " Il Settimanale di Padre Pio". This apostolate of conquest , combined with a love of tradition , is certainly one of the cause of hatred that is directed to them and the Franciscan Friars.On 11 July 2013, Cardinal Braz de Aviz has entrusted the government of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , an " apostolic commissioner ," which in less than a year has managed to disrupt the order , forcing the best Friars to ask for permission to be dispensed of their vows, to live their vocation in another way  and to leave  an Institute now reduced to a field of ruins.
Francescane dell'Immacolata
The case of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate is now more serious  than the  Institute for the Friars . The pretext for the "visit " and then creating a commissioner for the Friars was the presence of a small and aggressive group of " dissidents" , encouraged and nurtured from the outside. No dissent has manifested itself , however, between the sisters , who live in a spirit of unity and brotherly love . The Franciscans of the Immaculate,Sisters and Friars are being suppressed especially for their approach to Tradition ,which is  in conflict with the practice of most of the Institutes of Consecrated Life...

Faced with the collapse of the post - theological and pastoral council , they have expressed an attachment to the orthodoxy of the Church , which contrasts with the doctrinal and liturgical creativity  prevalent today . The Congregation for Religious sees this sentire cum ecclesia "traditional"  incompatibile with  sentire cum ecclesia ...The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life committed a blatant abuse of power when they prevented  the Franciscans of the Immaculate offering Mass according to the ancient Roman Rite . The Friars also committed a clear error when they agreed to give up the celebration of the traditional Mass . They justified their waiver on the basis of two reasons: obedience and bi- ritualism . But the underlying problem is not the mono-or bi- ritualism .The fact is that the traditional Mass was never abrogated and can not be, and that all priests retain the right to celebrate it. The cornerstone of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI(July 7, 2007) states every priest has the right "to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass following the...Roman Missal promulgated by Blessed John XXIII in 1962 and which was never abrogated , as an extraordinary form of the Liturgy of the Church . " It is a universal law of the Church , which confirms the Bull Quo Primum of St. Pius V (1570 ) . No priest has ever been punished , or could be, because he celebrates the traditional Mass . It can never be imposed on the faithful, nuns or lay people who are not to waive the right to a Rite canonized by the use of almost two millennia of Church history.

Obedience is a virtue, perhaps the highest . But the problem that arises in the Church today is who and what we should obey.
When obedience to human authorities , instead of perfecting the spiritual life, prejudice , jeopardizing their salvation, must be vigorously rejected, because we must obey God rather than men (Acts 5 : 29).Perhaps Cardinal Braz de Aviz wants to push the nuns to move en masse to the Society of St. Pius X , in order to prove that there is no space... possible between the traditionalist " schismatics " and the Church " conciliar " . He seems to forget , however, two things : first, that many bishops and even entire conferences of bishops are now separated from the Church's faith in a much greater extent than separated from the Society of St. Pius X by the ecclesiastical authorities ; secondly that canon law allows the Friars and Sisters to be freed from their vows to regroup in the form of a private association of the faithful , living their vocation outside of any arbitrary taxation (tax 298-311 ) .Can the Congregation of the Religious Sisters refuse  400 sisters if they ask to be dispensed with their vows? It would be a brutal violation of the freedom of conscience of which today there is so much talk and so much nonsense . The traditional doctrine of the Church considers inviolable, freedom of conscience in the internal forum , because no one can be forced in his choices , but denies that freedom in the public sphere , or the external forum , because only the truth , and not the error has no rights. The fanatics of Vatican II theorize religious freedom in the external forum , recognizing the rights of all religions and sects, but deny it in the internal forum , processing the intentions and invading the realm of individual conscience.But is it  possible to impose by force, on  the Friars and Sisters , to remain within a religious institute,  which you do not recognize because its identity has been destroyed  ? The principle that animarum salus suprema lex , is the basis not only of canon law , but of the spiritual life of every baptized person , which  must be an indispensable rule of  action for the salvation of the soul.If, in this perspective, some , following a right conscience , wanted to resist unjust orders what do you expect ? A hug dialoguing, mercy or a harsh stick policy ? Expulsion, censure, suspension a divinis  , excommunications and interdicts, are now reserved only for  those who retain the orthodox faith ?One last question is unanswered for the moment.Is not the stick of Cardinal Braz de Aviz is in open contradiction with the policy of mercy of Pope Francis...? (Roberto de Mattei ) (emphasis added) Translated by L.A.


  1. Why is that orders like this are pursecuted but nuns in muffti are not

  2. Interesting how this report has been tampered with in parts. For instance, the description of the new "commissaria" (female commissar). After the words "powers of full control, equivalent to those of a " Commissioner "", it says: "una religiosa “adulta” e aggiornata, di tendenza moderatamente femminista, fautrice, con qualche anno di ritardo, dell’“umanesimo integrale” maritainiano." That is, "a (female) religious who is 'adult' and 'updated' [aggiornamento-ized, so to speak], with a moderately feminist tendency, a promoter, some years back, of Maritain's 'integral humanism'."

    Maybe Google couldn't handle this?

  3. A lesser point, but not unimportant in the larger context of post-conciliar naturalism: the phrase "carità fraterna" should be translated "fraternal charity," not "brotherly love." "Charity" (caritas; in Greek, agape) is an eminently Catholic, supernatural and Scriptural word, not merely to be identified as "love," for which the Latin words amor or dilectio are available, among others, and their Greek equivalents (more or less) philia or eros, etc. (In Italian, as everybody knows, love=amore)

  4. One more instance:

    "The Congregation for Religious sees this sentire cum ecclesia "traditional" incompatibile with sentire cum ecclesia ..."

    This is both garbled and apocopated. Here's the original:

    "La congregazione per i religiosi considera questo sentire cum ecclesia 'tradizionale' incompatibile con il sentire cum ecclesia 'vaticansecondista'."

    Which means:

    "The Congregation for Religious considers this 'traditional' sentire cum Ecclesia incompatible with the 'Vatican II' sentire cum Ecclesia."

    "Sentire cum Ecclesia" is a traditional, time-honored expression (in Latin), meaning "Thinking with the Church," expressing the Catholic spirit of orthodoxy and obedience to the One True Church.

  5. A couple more items to show that the problems may not arise just from the Google translator.

    This passage:

    "molti vescovi e addirittura intere conferenze episcopali si trovano oggi separati dalla fede della Chiesa in misura molto maggiore di quanto non sia separata la Fraternità San Pio X dalle autorità ecclesiastiche"

    Should be translated: "many bishops and even entire episcopal conferences today find themselves [or, are to be found] separated from the faith of the Church by a much greater distance than the SSPX is separated from the ecclesiastical authorities."

    The contrast here between disunity in faith and disobedience to governing authority disappears in the garbled translation which follows:

    "many bishops and even entire conferences of bishops are now separated from the Church's faith in a much greater extent than separated from the Society of St. Pius X by the ecclesiastical authorities"

    I might add that to be separated from the faith of the Church is to be outside the Church, by definition a heretic.

  6. And this, de Mattei's closing point, therefore rhetorically important:

    "Expulsion, censure, suspension a divinis , excommunications and interdicts, are now reserved only for those who retain the orthodox faith ?One last question is unanswered for the moment.Is not the stick of Cardinal Braz de Aviz is in open contradiction with the policy of mercy of Pope Francis...?"

    Obviously these are rhetorical questions assuming the answer "yes." But lest the English-language reader misunderstand, I append the original of the last sentence:

    "Il bastone del cardinale Braz de Aviz è in aperta contraddizione con la politica di misericordia di papa Francesco o ne costituisce una singolare espressione?"

    Which means:

    "Cardinal Braz de Aviz's club: is it in open contradiction to the policy of mercy of Pope Francis, or does it constitute a singular expression of it?"

    A somewhat different point here from the above translation, is it not? De Mattei is at least intimating, not without irony, that the Cardinal's club is very much an example of Francis's policy, hypocritical appearances to the contrary. After all, who appointed Cardinal Braz, who appointed Sister Fernanda Barbiero?

  7. Such are the poisonous fruits of the Judas Council Revolution
