Thursday, May 22, 2014

Words Fail: Kasper calls Francis “radical pope,” says he has papal support on divorcees receiving Eucharist

Words Fail: Kasper calls Francis “radical pope,” says he has papal support on divorcees receiving Eucharist (May 21, 2014 ) 
Well I’m certain Cardinal Kasper, quite radical himself, certainly hopes Francis is radical. I guess we’ll see what develops in the next 6 months.
Find below an amazing set of quotes from Cardinal Kasper via FideCogitActio (emphasis from Fide, I lied, I do have comments):
“This pope is not a liberal pope. He is a radical pope! … This pope goes back to the gospel [But great Saints like Pius X, Pius V.......apparently they did not go back to the Gospel! What a calumny!] . … I told the pope, ‘Holy Father, there will be a controversy [after the consistory]. … The pope laughed and told him, ‘That’s good, we should have that!’ … I do not know if my proposals will be acceptable…. I made them in agreement with the pope, I did not do them just myself. I spoke beforehand with the pope, and he agreed.” …[This is extremely troubling if true. And I'm afraid we have more than just the self-serving claims of one modernist, we do have a great deal of evidence that Pope Francis is quite sympathetic to Kasper's "novelties," which aren't novelties at all, but yet another form of the endless temptation to create "god" in our own image]
Kasper said he was confident that the process of debate that Francis had launched on the topic of family life and sexuality would in the end produce some significant reforms, in part “because there are very high expectations.” [And so you see how the process works. Create "expectations" by publicly undermining Dogma. Create expectations through a very heavy PR campaign. Use a friendly media to advance your campaign. Then say the "popular will" must be satisfied, no matter how erroneous it is. This has been the primary strategy of the modernists since 1958]
He noted that the church has often changed, or “developed,” over the centuries, and quite recently in the 1960s when, for example, the Second Vatican Council reversed long-standing teachings against religious freedom and dialogue with other believers. [No, the Church has never "developed" like it has in the past 50 years, which many faithful souls see as a terrible retrograde development. Dogma cannot change. But if you make up fuzzy definitions of what constitutes Dogma, you can get away with a great deal, and that is precisely what modernists have done. UPDATE: I wanted to add a bit about this statement in bold above. "Reversed long-standing teachings".....that is certainly what many traditional Catholics think. Many modernists, of course, think VII did, too, for opposite reasons. This is one of the critical areas of VII that really needs to be worked out by holy popes and theologians, to reconcile this novel approach to "religious freedom," if possible, to the entire Magisterium. I won't hold my breath. But here we have a prince of the Church arguing that Vatican II did indeed attempt to change Church Doctrine. While others say no, that can't happen. How are the faithful to make heads or tails of such a situation? Perhaps that confusion is the point?]
Kasper reiterates that he’s not advocating a change in the church’s dogma on the sanctity of marriage, [I'm sorry, but this is just BS] but a change in the “pastoral practice” about who can receive Communion. “To say we will not admit divorced and remarried people to Holy Communion? That’s not a dogma [noumenon]. That’s an application [phenomenon] of a dogma in a concrete pastoral practice. This can be changed.” [Absolutely it's a vast change in Dogma, and essentially argues that the State of Grace no longer exists, or doesn't matter. Kasper is saying anyone, regardless of sinfulness, is fit to receive the Blessed Lord in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. This is directly counter to Scripture (perhaps Cardinal Kasper has forgotten 1 Cor 11:27-29, since it has been excised from the Novus Ordo) and the constant Tradition of the Faith. As FideCogitActio notes, the modernists are conducting their campaign of practically obliterating Dogma in the exact same manner that the Arians did 1700 years ago.]
Kasper said it is the voice of the faithful that has made the difference. “The strongest support comes from the people, and you cannot overlook that,” he said.
“If what people are doing and what the church is teaching, if there is an abyss, that doesn’t help the credibility of the church,” he said. “One has to change.”
———End Quote———
OF COURSE! And so we see a prelate, who has spent absolutely NONE of his time in the past 50 years since the Council trying to get the “faithful” to adhere to the constant belief and practice of the Church, now just give up! Maybe that was the plan all along, eh? Modernists want the Church to be indistinguishable from liberal protestant sects that have embraced every modern error conceivable, and at the same time committed effective suicide in doing so. What a great future they have planned for a billion souls!
There’s an old joke in The Simpsons. Ned Flanders had beatnik parents, and when young Ned begins acting out due to lack of discipline, the exasperated parents tell a child psychologist: “We’ve tried absolutely nothing, man, and we’re all out of ideas!”
Does that not describe the leadership we’ve seen in the past 50 years? “We haven’t tried even a little bit to teach you people the Faith, and now that you’re lost in error, we give up!”
Don’t you like it when a plan comes together? First contraception, now divorce. From these two you can essentially unwind all Catholic moral Dogma. This modernist approach is very much like their approach with the fake, ginned up “vocations-crisis.” Modernists fomented the crisis by blocking thousands of young men from ordination, in order to force a situation where the priesthood would, in effect, no longer exist.
I will remind people that this matter is really NOT about divorce, remarriage, or any of the rest of the smokescreens. This is about redefining either/or/both the Church’s belief about sin and the State of Grace, and the reality of the Blessed Sacrament. The entire moral Dogma of the Faith can essentially be destroyed through this “pastoral” application. There will literally be nothing left of sin, and we may as well be unitarians.
None of the above is to accept Kasper’s claims regarding Pope Francis’ support for his errors as factual. But a number of events would suddenly make much more sense if Kasper is being truthful, or even somewhat truthful.
But then again, Pope Paul VI really wanted to change the Church’s stance on contraception, but something – many think the intervention of the Holy Ghost – prevented that from occurring.
Not that we should be complacent and simply trust in the Holy Ghost, as laudable a thing to do as that is. These guys are maneuvering to do to bigamists receiving the Blessed Sacrament what they did to contraception, if not worse. They plan on making the Doctrine meaningless, practically speaking. So much prayer is called for, and possibly, more concrete action. I’m not sure what that would entail, but sending a letter Apostolic Nuncio and the Holy See probably wouldn’t hurt.
Lord, we surely must be great sinners to deserve shepherds such as these. Have mercy on us!

'Here are some excerpts from recent messages to Maria Divine Mercy (MDM) that reject the Catholic Church as a whole:
“The Catholic Church will make a number of alarming statements, as to why it has to change and amend every part of its structure.”
“the Catholic Church will become a leading force in the new one world religion.” (message of 1 Nov 2013)
“My Catholic Church on earth will be sucked into a one world church, in the name of unification.” (message of 16 May 2012)
“My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist…. My Son’s Church will be persecuted, destroyed, desecrated — until eventually, it will house the throne upon which will sit the antichrist.” (message of 29 Oct 2013)
“Within six months of the heresy being introduced into My Church, many who ignored My Call, will flee and seek out those who remained true to My Holy Word. Then My Army will swell, grow and gather the remnants from all Christian churches and fight the spirit of evil.” (message of 20 Oct 2013)'

( I place these messages here to be read allong wih the statements of Cardinal Walter Kasper.They are not necessarily true.- Lionel Andrades)

1. According to the laws of the Roman Catholic Church, any Catholic who commits apostasy, formal heresy, or formal schism is automatically excommunicated from the Church.
Canon 751: “Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception
of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.”
Canon 1364 §1: “an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.”

(Excommunicated by a Pope who gives the Eucharist to Catholics  in sin, does not affirm  the dogma on exclusive salvation, rejects the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church...?  - Lionel Andrades)

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