Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lady Hale is promoting the political left version of Vatican Council II at the University of Bristol, England

It is over two weeks and there has been no response from any one at the University of Bristol including that of the office of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. The Baroness of Richmond Lady Hale will not explain how can deceased-non Catholics, saved with ' a ray of Truth' be exceptions to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church which says all need to be members of the Church for salvation. Neither will she explain how can a video on the website of the university suggest that Vatican Council II states there are explicit exceptions, the deceased are visible, to traditional Catholic teaching.Where is this text in Vatican Council II?
This is all irrational not only for academics but also an ignorant person in Britain, who understands that we Catholics and all humans in general cannot see the deceased now in Heaven. This is common knowledge.
By not clarifying that the university's  Department of Religion and Theology has made a mistake, a factual mistake of assuming Catholics can see the dead-saved and Vatican Council II allegedly corroborates this objective error, Lady Hale is supporting a politicised version of Vatican Council II.
She is trying to say like Cardinal Kurt Koch, the President of the Vatican Council for Christian Unity and relations with the Jews, that  Vatican Council II states Jews and Christians, do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.She is implying that Muslims in Bristol do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation and this is the teaching of Vatican Council II.
This is the Jewish Left version of Vatican Council II approved by the ADL and the liberal-left rabbis like Jonathan Sachs in England.
- Lionel Andrades
 May 7, 2014

Fr.Gerald O’Collins S.J omits the all important text in Ad Gentes which supports the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus :Kurt Koch needs to clarify the SSPX position
May 5, 2014

University of Bristol is making the same factual error on Nostra Aetate as Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston

Two weeks and no clarification from the University of Bristol administration :objective error and factually incorrect information about the Catholic Church

The Baroness of Richmond and Chancellor of the University Lady Hale must clarify that the University of Bristol has made a factual and objective error
May 8, 2014

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