Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cardinal José Rodríguez Carballo should be saying that Vatican Council II is not a super dogma instead it is Rorate

Jose-rodriguez-carballo.jpgSince Archbishop Jose Rodrigues Carbello  is unable to say Vatican Council II affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in Ad Gentes 7 and that Nostra Aetate 2 is not an exception to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, he wants all  religious communities to interpret Vatican Council II using the irrational premise of being able to see  the deceased-saved.
After assuming salvation in Heaven is visible on earth, Nostra Aetate 2 ( a ray of Truth)  becomes an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation. 

It is this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II with the dead man walking and visible theory that he wants the Franciscans of the Immaculate to  rubber stamp. 

This fantasy  interpretation of  Nostra Aetate 2, 'a ray of the Truth' being not invisible but visible for us., is forced upon the Church by the Jewish Left and now he is 'shoving it down the  throat' of Catholic religious. 

As an archbishop  he should be honest and say that there are no known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2014 and Nostra Aetate 2   is not an exception to the dogma on salvation.May be he just does not realize it like so many ohers.
Why should  Catholic religious say they can see the deceased on earth in 2014, saved with  'a ray of Truth' (NA 2) seeds of Word (AG 11), imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) etc? Who among us can see explicit exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 saved with 'elements of  sanctification and truth(LG 8)?
 Why does Archbishop Carbello not clarify for religious, that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance were never ever  exceptions to the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulal salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston?
 Also why do not journalists ask him these questions?
Rorate Caeli repeats that Vatican Council II was not a super dogma. This is because Rorate  still does not understand what I am saying here. If their correspondents understood and expressed it  then Archbishop Carbello and liberals would have to complain about Vatican Council II  not being a super dogma.The liberals would reject the Council since it is traditional on Judaism,Islam and Christian communities.
It is Archbishop  Carbello who really should have been complaining about Vatican Council II not being a  super dogma -  and not Rorate Caeili.But it is still Rorate and Una Voce! Oops!
The SSPX bishops and District Superiors like Rorate assume NA 2, UR 3 refer to explicit for us cases in 2014 who contradict the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of Pope Pius X.It's a mistake!
They assume that being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire are not hypothetical for us but are visible for us.Fundamental error! So there are exceptions to  extra ecclesiam nulla salus,defined by three Church Councils.The Church Councils made a mistake?!
It is unfortunate that many of the Franciscans of the Immaculate priests were not aware of this explicit-implicit,visible-invisible, defacto-dejure distinction.
Even Fr.John Zuhlsdorf and Fr.Ray Blake do not want to discuss this or they do not understand what I am saying.
 A silver lining was Fr.John Hunwicke writing in January 2014 that Nostra Aetate does not contradict the traditional teaching on Catholic salvation.(1)
They all need to get Archbishop Carbello to say Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus unless you infer that what is invisible for us, is visible to the naked eye.It is as simple as that. He  must see that Vatican Council II only contradicts Tradition when he assumes that what is subjective for us is objective.It's as simple as that!
-Lionel Andrades
May 7, 2014
Oops! Funny Pictures! (66 pics) 

from Rorate Caeili

The Secretary of the Congregation for Consecrated Life, Franciscan José Rodríguez Carballo, for the past year number two of this Vatican organism charged with religious life, was in [Barcelona,] Spain this past weekend [May 3-4] to attend the meeting of the Union of Religious of Catalonia. [Infovaticana, en español]
This is a moment of "chaos, dark night, and twilight" for religious life, that sees the number of members and vocations fall, especially in Europe. But "it is a critical situation that is also an opportunity for the beginning of something new." ...

José Rodríguez Carballo mentioned as an important point of religious life fidelity to Vatican II: "For the consecrated, the Council is a point that cannot be negotiated." And he affirmed that those who search into the reforms of Vatican II all the ailments of religious life "deny the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church."
He explained that in the Congregation for Consecrated Life, they are "particularly concerned" with this matter: "we are seeing true deviations." Above all because "not a few institutes give not only a pre-conciliar, but even an anti-conciliar formation. This is inadmissible, it is to place oneself outside of history. It is something that worries us greatly in the Congregation." [Catalunya Religió, en català] 
Oops! Funny Pictures! (66 pics)
Photo captions: Oops!

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