Thursday, May 22, 2014

Franciscans of the Immaculate set an example for other religious communities : Vatican Council II without the irrational inference

According to reports some Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have asked to be released of their pontifical vows so that they can work under a diocesan bishop and offer the Traditional Latin Mass.These Franciscans of the Immaculate are not aware that Vatican Council II documents can be interpreted with or without the irrational interpretation. So they can accept Vatican Council II in perfect agreement with Tradition.
The Vatican Council II which they reject is the one with the false inference.
I repeat that the Vatican Council II which they reject is the one with the false inference - there is a choice, there is an alternative, there is another interpretation which is also rational.
The Vatican Council II which they reject is the one with the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error. 
Without the false inference, the Cushing-Jesuit premise; the Richard Cushing Error, Vatican Council II is in agreement with the Syllabus of Errors, extra ecclesiam nulla salus,the Catechism of Pope Pius X and Tradition in general.
This was never discussed at any FFI conference on Vatican Council II. At an  FFI Conference in Rome I put  two basic questions on this issue to Roberto Mattei. He did not answer them.1
The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate can set an example for all Catholic religious communites. Show them that Tradition and the dogma on exclusive salvation is compatible, it is in agreement. With implicit for us baptism of desire and  invisible for us being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) etc, there are no exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation. We can have it both ways. We can affirm the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also affirm implicit- for- us- being saved with ' a ray of the truth' (Nostra Aetate 2).It does not contradict the Principle of Non Contradictiion.Vatican Council II  is traditional when there is no mix up between ithe terms mplicit and explict, dejure and defacto, hypothetical and in reality.
Only if being saved with 'seeds of the Word' (AG 11) was explicit for us then it would contradict the Principle of Non Contradiction.
If your new Superior at the FFI gives you permission, call a press conference, or make it known in some way, that you affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise- that of being able to physically see the dead-saved.
Those who oppose you politically will  see that you are affirm Vatican Council II, and you also uphold Tradition,including the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
This will be unacceptable to them but at least they cannot say that you are denying Vatican Council II. It will also be an eye opener for other religious communities to affirm the centuries old interpretation on salvation along with Vatican Council II.

A Vatican Council II without the false premise, the irrational inference, works in your favour and is against the political position of your new superiors.
-Lionel Andrades
TWO QUESTIONS which Prof. Roberto de Mattei did not answer.
1) Do we personally know the dead now saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) etc,can we see them, are they physically visible to us in 2014 ?

2) Since we do not know any of these cases, in real life, they are not visible for us, there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, or Ad Gentes 7 which states 'all' need 'faith and baptism' for salvation ?

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