Thursday, August 21, 2014


I have friends among the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) and I am concerned  that they are being forced to accept a lie before they can have a  normal status in the Catholic Church.
They have to lie in the name  of Vatican Council II  before they are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass or teach at a seminary.
I have expressed my concern in writing to the Vatican Press Office, the Apostolic Commissioner of the FFI, Fr.Fidenzio Volpi Ofm.Cap., and Secretary General of the the Franciscans of the Immaculate,Fr.Alfonso Bruno.None of them are acknowledging my charge.They are not responding to my  questions on Vatican Council II and Catholic teachings in general.
The Vatican is obviously  forcing the FFI to accept a public lie in the name of Vatican Council II.So what do I do? To whom do I go?
I have written many blog posts on this issue and e-mailed them to just about every one concerned with the issue.
I have said it so many times. One can interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise  or without it.
I repeat  you can interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise or without it.
The Vatican Curia wants   the FFI to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise.
The false  premise is a falsehood . It is un -real. It is something illogical and fabricated.
No one in  the Church is protesting against it since the error unknowingly  is widespread.
Vatican Council IiIwithout the  false premise would support extra eclesiam nulla salus and Catholic religious do not want to affirm  this. Since restrictions have been placed by the Vatican following the  instructions of the Jewish Left.
For political reasons the Vatican Curia  does not want to accept the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and now they are forcing the FFI to interpret the Council with the irrational premise.This would result in a break with the dogma and the teaching of Pope Pius X whose feast day is today.
Why should the Franciscans Friars claim that they can physically see the dead saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) for example, and that these cases are explicit  exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Catechism of Pope Pius X? This is irresponsible.
They are aware that Wikipedia infers that  Lumen Gentium 16 ( invincible ignorance) is a known exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There is no correction from any Vatican Office.
How can the deceased non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance be a defacto be a defacto exception in 2014 to all needing the baptism of water for salvation? Is this a known case? Can we see this exception in real life?
To imply that we can see these deceased is false and yet this is expected of the FFI.
They have to accept a Vatican Council II in which LG 16 refers to visible in the flesh cases.They have to conclude that there is known salvation outside the Church.They It is expected that they will  say that not every one defacto needs the baptism of water for salvation.They have to wrongly claim that Vatican Council II is break with traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
This falsehood is stated in black and white.It is there in two theological  papers of the Pontifical Theological Commission.This error can be read any time, on line.Many members of the Vatican Curia have been associated with the  International Theological Commission e.g Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Archbishop Augustine  Di Noia, Mons., Guido Pozzo...They  would have passed over this error.

None of them affirm Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.AG is rejected even though it has  been placed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the section outside the church no salvation.The FFI have to reject Ad Gentes 7 and claim all do not need 'faith and baptism' for salvation since Lumen Gentium 16 refers to 'visible exceptions' in 2014.This is expected of them by the Vatican.
These are grown up men, priests bishops and cardinals  at the Vatican  who are promoting this irrationality and  making it a condition for regularising the status  of the FFI.
Why must the FFI claim they can see the dead( who are alleged exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church) ? Who among us or at the Vatican can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance or with a ray of the Truth (NA 2) ? Yet this irrationality in the name of Vatican Council II is being promoted by the Apostolic Commissioner  and the Secretary General of the FFI . This is being done even after they have been informed?
Vatican Council II can be accepted with or without the false premise. So let the FFI accept the Council without the premise - then normalise their situation.Don't force a lie upon them.They should feel free to accept Vatican Council II without the visible dead theory.
As good Catholics they should continue to reject Vatican Council II with the irrational premise. We cannot see the dead. Presently, in the name of obedience, the FFI are not allowed to express themself on this issue.
Friends of the Immaculate, friends and relatives of members of the FFI,ask Fr.Fidenzio Volpi if Catholics can accept Vatican Council II without the false premise.
Also note that Roberto de Mattei and the Italian intellectuals  who wrote to Pope Benedict  about Vatican Council II  are making the same error . They need to understand  what is happening here.They too are interpreting Vatican Couhncil II with the false premise and are unaware of it.
There is a choice. They could affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise and show the Vatican Curia, that there is an alternative.The Vatican Council II which they criticize is the one with the false premise.
Once Roberto de Mattei , Bruno Gherardini and others in Italy affirm Vatican Council II without the irrational premise, the FFI can also do the same. They would be endorsing a traditional Vatican Council II.
Simple questions for all:-
 1.In 2014 do we know any one ( can we physically see any one) saved with the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance, a ray of the Truth, seeds of the Word, elements of sanctification and truth or good and holy things in other religions?
2.So are there any explicit ( objectively seen, visible) exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? Do we know any one in 2014 who de facto does not need to convert ìnto the Church for salvation?
3.Does Vatican Council II mention any exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2014 for salvation?
4.Can one accept a Vatican Council II knowing there are no exceptions mentioned in the Council to the traditional teaching on salvation?
-Lionel Andrades

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