Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The SSPX (SOS-Resistance) does not clarify if they are referring to Vatican Council II with or without the premise.

There is a video put out by the Society of St.Pius X (SOS-Resistance) which says Vatican Council II is the greatest disaster since the founding of the Church.The SSPX (SOS) does not clarify if they are referring to Vatican Council II with or without the premise.
Whenever they criticize Vatican Council II they should clarify that this is Vatican Council II with the false premise.It is Vatican Council II with the dead man visible premise.This is the Vatican Council II of the Vatican Curia and the SSPX SOS.
This is the Vatican Council II which assumes all salvation in Heaven is physically visible  for us on earth.It infers that non Catholics are saved without the baptism of water.These cases it is assumed  are visible on earth.These deceased non Catholics are inferred to be visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is irrational, ridiculous and heretical.Yet this is the Vatican Council II understood by the magisterium,the traditionalists and sedevacantists.The original Vatican Council II was not irrational.The original Vatican Council II does not use the false premise.Without the false premise the Council is traditional.
So it must always be clarified if one is referring to a Vatican Council II with or without the irrational premise.

Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7 indicates most people are on the way to Hell without 'faith and baptism'.This is what I believe. This is how I interpret Vatican Council II.
Vatican Council II does not say that salvation in Heaven is visible to us.It does not say there is known salvation outside the Church.It does not state that Nostra Aetate 2, Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Lumen Gentium 16, Lumen Gentium 8 are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The text does not make this inference.So I do not use the irrational inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.This is how I interpret the Council.It is in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors,the Catechism of Pope Pius X, the Council of Trent and the rest of Tradition.There is no  hermenutic of rupture.
We have found the missing link, the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle .We now know what makes Vatican Council II traditional or non traditional.It is: the false premise!.
We need to target the false inference and the theological train will get back on the rails.
Identify the premise and change the Church!
-Lionel Andrades
I do not use an irrational inference, a false premise, so there is no discontinuity between Vatican II and Tradition

Cantarella understands that the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus: extend the reasoning to Vatican Council II


Another baptism of desire list in which it is assumed that the deceased are visible to us

The SSPX uses the same irrational theology of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 in its interpretation of Vatican Council II


I reject an explicit baptism of desire and affirm the traditional and centuries old interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.If it is not explicit it is not an exception


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