Friday, September 12, 2014

Both Conferences being held this week end don't have a Catholic Identity

Archbishop Vigneron

The Call to Holiness and the Catholic Identity Conference  being held this week end do not have a Catholic identity. Since both have something missing. This is due to the false premise used by the speakers and members at both  Conferences. With an irrational  premise used in the interpretation of magisterial documents, the Call to Holiness  Conference accepts Vatican Council as a break with the past.With the use of the same premise the Catholic Identity Conference also interprets Vatican Council II as  a break with the past and rejects it.
I do not use the premise. So Vatican Council II for me is Feeneyite and not a break with the past.
Catholic Identity Conference 2014 flyer

CTH Single Sheet1-b

If they would avoid the premise of the dead-man-walking-and-visible- on earth, they would  affirm Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam uulla salus together. They could have it both ways. This would be possible since at both conferences they  would avoid the Cushing error.Then they would have a Catholic identity. It would be endorsing Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with pre 1949 Church teachings and ecclesiology.Vatican Council II would be in in agreement with the  founders of the religious communities, like St.Francis of Assisi , St.Dominic ,St.Ignatius of Loyola etc
Presently both conference-groups are in heresy since they use  Cushingism.The infer there is known salvation outside the Church in 2014.For them those saved with the baptism of desire etc( allegedly without the baptism of water) are known and visible on earth.These are not hypothetical cases for them.  These theoretical cases are considered exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
If they are visible and known they would have to be exceptions. Theoretical cases are de facto exceptions? 
Another year and we have Catholic conferences with the same irrationality. Perhaps it will be the same next year too.

Their positon is irrational since the deceased-saved are in Heaven and cannot be exceptions to anything. It is also heretical since it is changing the meaning of the Nicence Creed( I believe in three or more baptisms  for the forgiveness of sin.These are replacements for the baptism of water) and the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (there is known salvation outside the Church and these cases are visible to us in 2014 so every one does not de facto have to be a formal members of the Church for salvation).
This is not our Catholic Identity.This is sin,irrationality and political expedience.
-Lionel Andrades

The Call to Holiness and Catholic Identity Conference speakers will use a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, Redemptoris Missio, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus...

Two Catholic Conferences this week end - how would they interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church ?

Two Catholic Conferences this week end: how would they interpret Redemptoris Missio?

Two Catholic Conferences this week end : how would they interpret Dominus Iesus ?

Two Conferences and an irrational premise

Two Catholic Conferences : Both interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise.One accepts the Council the other rejects it


1 comment:

  1. Hypothetical conversation of a Catholic modernist with a non Catholic?

    Catholic: So tell me how are you going to strive to get to heaven?

    Non Catholic? By trying to be good and loving God.

    Catholic: Do you think that there are any rules, requirements or commandments to achieve your goal?

    Non Catholic: I heard about you folks teaching that I can get to Heaven by Baptism of Desire. I think that would be fine with me.

    Catholic: So does that work?

    Non Catholic: I already answered that above. What is your problem?

    Catholic: but don't you know that I have a responsibility to convert you to the one true Church?

    Non Catholic: boy are you out of touch. The catholic Church does not teach that any more.

    Catholic: What do you mean by that?

    Non Catholic: all I have to do is try to serve God as best as I can. Why your own books call most of us 'esteemed brethren' and just persevere in our own beliefs. I do not agree with most of the things that you Catholics believe anyway. Besides you are just one of many paths to Salvation. You are also arrogant.
    Get a clue!

    Catholic to another Catholic after this experience: Boy this discussion that I just had with a non Catholic sure shows why we must leave our non Catholic friends in the hands of God and not butt in with talking down to them as if Catholics have some kind of exclusivity on Salvation. From now on I will only discuss our faith with a non Catholic if and only if they show overwhelming desire to know more about us. But even then I will not come across to strong so as to offend them. Who are we to interfere, judge or mess with the mysterious, mumbo jumbo, joined at the hip, all in this together Salvation express? That is why in today's Catholic Church along with non Catholics one is free to figure it all out on their own. Ask one question and get ten different answers. That is the ultimate beauty of seeking God on an individual basis. This is why are sermons are so vague and strong on 'feel good sound bites' without specifics so as not to offend anyone. We have come along way since those old centuries of grumpy and constipated Saints and clerics telling us to do this or do that or else......We are right where we wanted to be in today's catholic church.
