Friday, September 12, 2014

Please explain this to Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller.Tell them that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with or without an irrational premise

It should be noted that Verrecchio is scheduled to speak at a "Catholic Identity Conference" in September. The other main speakers are:
  • Dr. John Rao
  • Michael Matt of The Remnant
  • John Vennari of Catholic Family News
  • Christopher Ferrara
  • James Vogel from Angelus Press (publishing arm of the SSPX)
  • Kenneth Wolfe of Rorate Caeli
  • Michael Brendan Doughtery from The American Conservative
All of these speakers are hard core traditionalists. They all disavow the validity of Vatican II to one extent or another, and by extension, the reject the "post Vatican II" church, as they define it. They all see the Traditional Latin Mass as the only valid Mass. They all are in basic disagreement with Pope Francis in almost everything he says and does.

They all disavow the validity of Vatican II to one extent or another, and by extension, the reject the "post Vatican II" church, as they define it.
Traditionalists need to move quick and end comments like this.You do not have to go into schism if Vatican Council II without the irrational premise is traditionalist. It is the writers like the one above, Mark Shea etc who will be in trouble if they do not use an irrational premise in the interpretation of magisterial texts which is the basis for their liberalism and heresy.

They all disavow the validity of Vatican II to one extent or another
All traditionalists should disavow the validity of Vatican Council II interpreted with the irrational premise. The should disavow the validity of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus interpreted with the false premise. They should avow these magisterial documents without the irrational premise.
They should avow the validity of Vatican Council II without the "I can see the dead in Heaven" theory.Without the use of the false premise there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the Feenyite version, the traditional version, of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This is not known to the sedevacantists CMRI,MHFM etc.They are sedevacantists  because they  reject Vatican Council II interpreted with the irrational premise. Eliminate the premise and the Council becomes traditional on other religions and Christian communities. Ecclesiology does not change at the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass.Identify the false premise and restore the Church! The Call to Holiness speakers and Archbishop Allen Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit are using the false premise in the interpretation of Church documents and so ecclesiology has changed for them.
Please explain this  to Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller .Tell them that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with or without an irrational premise.-Lionel Andrades

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