Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary religious formation


Brother Andre Marie MICM Prior of the St.Benedict Center Richmond, N.H has not denied that like the  Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA , they  accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities in the USA. This is approved by their respective bishops in Manchester and  Worcester. This is part of the religious formation at the two St.Benedict Centers.
Novices have to allege that there are exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They have to endorse that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to persons saved in invincible ignorance or with a good conscience and these persons are visible and known to us.To assume that the dead in Heaven are visible and known to us in particular cases is a false premise an irrational propostion.How can the dead be living exceptions? And if the dead are not living exceptions to the dogma then how can it be said that Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) contradicts the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney? 
Then the novices have to endorse the false conclusion. They have to claim that these dead -and- visible- for- us people, now in Heaven, are visible exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2014-2015 for salvation.  So for the novices, Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 1
Brother Andre Marie removed a comment of mine in which I asked him  if the religious  formation at St.Benedict center N.H was the same as that of the community in Still Rivger,MA.
I also mentioned that Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, the Prior at that centre has not commented on the blogpost  'Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities : approved by the bishop of Worcester'. He possibly agrees with me or does not understand what I am saying and does not want to discuss it.-Lionel Andrades


Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities : approved by the bishop of Worcester

Comment from
There was no apoology.Tantumblogo's initial report referred to your center.That's why you had to correct him.
Later he corrected himself.This is what I have mentioned.
You have not answered questions related to your apostolate  and have removed many posts of mine.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Una chiesa a braccetto col mondo


Nei giorni scorsi, apprendiamo dal sito “bergogliano” Vatican Insider, si è svolto a Salerno un incontro che, sotto l'egida della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, ha coinvolto leader ebrei e cristiani provenienti dall'Italia e da altre nazioni europee, dagli Stati Uniti, da Israele e dall'Iraq. L'articolo, come era ovvio aspettarsi, celebra ed enfatizza tale evento ricorrendo al solito linguaggio vaticansecondista che tanto piace alla mentalità progressista dei nostri tempi; perciò apprendiamo che tali leader “si sono incontrati, hanno parlato, ascoltato e delineato nuovi percorsi teologici ed educativi da cui non si può più tornare indietro”.
Ancora una volta dunque si richiamano i nuovi percorsi teologici (quelli, per intenderci, che non sono serviti ad altro fino ad ora che assecondare una pastorale tutta intenta a cambiare la dottrina di sempre invece che darne testimonianza) con annesso un augurio inquietante: da qui "non si può più tornare indietro". Altre belle paroline, queste ultime, che tradiscono in realtà il vero obiettivo di questa chiesa che vuol apparire buonista e misericordiosa a parole ma non nei fatti: avanti tutta verso la distruzione di ogni residuo di cattolicità ancora viva e caccia spietata contro chi ancora oppone resistenza appellandosi all'insegnamento autentico (in altre parole: la Tradizione) di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo.
L'articolo in questione non poteva ovviamente farsi mancare il richiamo al guru modernista e progressista degli ultimi anni: il card. Martini: “Nel corso dell'incontro è stato rivelato un momento toccante di intimità tra il cardinale e il rabbino. E’ stato detto che un giorno prima della morte il Cardinal Martini, avesse chiesto di ricevere la benedizione del Rabbino Laras, presente al suo capezzale. Ciò fu fatto, e, a sua volta, il Rabbino Laras, ricevette quella del Cardinale Martini”. Dunque il fatto che un cardinale, per di più in punto di morte, chieda la benedizione di chi non crede nella divinità di Gesù Cristo dovrebbe essere una vera testimonianza cristiana...Non ci sono parole!
Così come non ci sono parole nell'assistere all'omertà e alla mancanza di intervento da parte di un Pontefice dinanzi alla testimonianza della martire Asia Bibi (condannata a morte dalla legge islamica per il solo fatto di essere cristiana) e al tempo stesso alle sue premure nel telefonare a Pannella, alle prese con il solito digiuno, augurandogli “buon lavoro” sebbene è risaputo, come scrive Vittorio Messori sul Corriere della sera, che il «lavoro» del leader radicale è consistito e consiste nel predicare che la vera carità sta nel battersi per divorzio, aborto, eutanasia, omosessualità per tutti, teoria di gender e così via...
Oppure alle sue ben più importanti occupazioni nel rilasciare interviste dal contenuto allucinante ad un gongolante Scalfari, al quale non pareva vero che un Pontefice ridicolizzasse e umiliasse in tal modo la Chiesa!
Oppure ancora, come pare, nel rincorrere “Il piccolo diavolo” Benigni e complimentarsi per la sua spiegazione dei 10 Comandamenti...
Tutto ciò è aberrante perché lo smarrimento, la confusione... sono provocate proprio da chi dovrebbe invece ergersi a baluardo della Verità, della chiarezza, della fermezza, della vera carità...sì, tutto ciò è aberrante e inquietante: chi dovrebbe opporsi alle logiche del mondo ritiene invece che è quantomai opportuno e salutare andarci a braccetto!
A tal proposito sciveva parole profonde Vladimir Solovev: “Il Cristianesimo è apparso come la buona notizia della salvezza per tutto il mondo. Infatti, tutto il mondo giace nel male. Cristo ci ha rivelato la via della salvezza da questo male che domina il mondo con il suo sacrificio ed il suo insegnamento. L'umanità è entrata in questa strada, ma sono pochi quelli che l'hanno percorsa, e finora la salvezza universale resta solo una buona notizia. E fino ad oggi il mondo giace nel male. Anche il senso vitale del cristianesimo è stato alterato prima dalle guide dell'umanità in una dottrina astratta, e poi è scomparso quasi completamente dalla coscienza degli uomini d'avanguardia e si è nascosto nella profondità tenebrosa dell'anima popolare. Il senso del cristianesimo non può neanche essere chiaro per coloro che si sentono bene in questo mondo. Per costoro anche la predicazione del Cristo era una parola muta, perché essi non vedevano il male per il quale Cristo era venuto a salvare il mondo. Non lo hanno visto e non lo vedono perché essi stessi sono del mondo e totalmente dominati dal male del mondo.
Coloro invece che sentono il peso di questo male e cercano la salvezza mostrano di non essere di questo mondo, ma da Dio” .
Che la Madonna ci aiuti e ci conduca a far parte di questi ultimi, donandoci il coraggio e la forza di andare controcorrente in un mondo popolato da lupi e falsi pastori sempre più spietati.
La Redazione

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary : Vatican Council II does not contradict 'the rigorist interpretation' of the dogma

The bishops of the diocese of Worcester and Manchester,USA accept Vatican Council II as a break with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They recognise the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in their diocese, who affirm this interpretation of the dogma,which is not compatible with Vatican Council II as interpreted by them.
Sisters, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
So the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are not really accepting Vatican Council II, as do the bishops of their diocese- and they are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.
They have priests from the diocese of Worcester and Manchester, and other U.S dioceses, who offer the Traditional Latin Mass at their chapels.They are recognised by the diocese bishops who reject the traditional interpretation of the dogma.
The solution for the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is to tell their respective bishop they they accept Vatican Council II in perfect agreement with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They do not deny Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II is traditional.
How is it traditional?
Since 1) there are no visible exceptions to the dogma in 2014-2015 and 2) no where in Vatican Council II is it said that there are visible and known exceptions.( if there are no such cases how can there be exceptions?).
This is the crucial point. If there are no known and visible exceptions, no objective cases, then there are no exceptions.
If we cannot name any exception , someone personally known, there are no exceptions.
This is elementary.
So obviously the bishops do not know of any exception and neither can they cite any text in Vatican Council II which says there are exceptions.UR 3,NA 2,LG 16,LG 8, none of them say there are known exceptions to the dogma.
There could be someone saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church' (UR 3).This year there could have been many.Who knows? They are not known to us.So they cannot be exceptions to the dogma.UR 3 does not contradict the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So which passage will the bishop cite in Vatican Council II which contradicts the dogma?
NA 2? Only God can know of someone in December 2014  saved with ' a ray of the Truth'. So this is not an exception to all needing to convert this year for salvation.
'Seeds of the Word'(AG 11).There are no known cases. They are invisible for the bishops. We still do not have an exception to the dogma.
So the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary should now ask their bishop and the priests who offer Holy Mass at their chapels, to please accept Vatican Council II.
They should insist that they accept Vatican Council II. Presently they do not - with their exception-theory.
They must also tell their bishops that the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary endorse Vatican Council II in its entirety with respect to the dogma.There are no ambigous passages relative to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So they also affirm 'the rigorist interpretation' of the salvation- dogma.They are in accord with the Church Councils, the popes, saints ,Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
-Lionel Andrades

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities : approved by the bishop of Worcester


Los Angeles Times Claims Ultrasound Photos Aren’t “Objective Scientific Fact”

by Sarah Zagorski | Los Angeles, CA | |

The Woman’s Right to Know Act is a law that requires abortion facilities to give women a chance to see an ultrasound of their unborn baby before considering an abortion. Currently, in the United States, 34 states have ultrasound laws in place and statistics show that these types of measures reduce abortion. In 2011, North Carolina’s legislature passed their own version of the legislation, HB 854, and overturned their pro-abortion Governor Bev Perdue’s veto.
However, in January 2013, a district court imposed a temporary injunction on the law, claiming that its mandated disclosures about abortion are an unconstitutional imposition of “the state’s philosophic and social position discouraging abortion,” rather than being factually based. And unfortunately, last week the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., found that the provision was an unconstitutional violation of the free-speech rights of doctors
ultrasound4d16Last week, an editorial in the LA Times praised the courts decision claiming that the purpose of HB 854 was to persuade women not to choose abortion rather than share objective medical fact.
“…The provision of the law under scrutiny in North Carolina goes beyond science, requiring a doctor to show his patient the sonogram and describe the fetus in detail — even if she averts her eyes and refuses to listen. The purpose is not to inform the patient about objective, scientific facts, but merely to persuade her not to have an abortion.
This compelled speech, even though it is a regulation of the medical profession, is ideological in intent and in kind,” said Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III, writing the opinion for the three-judge panel. In effect, the provision compels the doctor to parrot the anti-abortion views of the state legislators who passed it, turning the physician, as Wilkinson put it, “into the mouthpiece of the state.”
Although Judge Wilkinson III argues that the provision propagates pro-life language rather than share facts, the real problem is objective facts about fetal development confirm pro-life truths. Mary Balch, the Legislative Director for National Right to Life, explained why Ultrasound legislation is so important. She said, “Clearly, real-time ultrasound images of the unborn child are truthful, not misleading, and can lead to a more informed decision. Ultrasound is a window to the womb allowing the mother to view for herself what is inside her, seeing not opinion but objective and accurate fact.”
The truth of the matter is the abortion industry knows that ultrasounds are bad for business because the facts about unborn life are against them. In fact, statistics show that 78% of pregnant women who see an ultrasound of their baby reject abortion. Ultimately, it’s hard for a mother to have an abortion when she sees that the baby she’s carrying has a beating heart and is moving inside her womb.

Ronnie and Donnie Galyon Break World Record for Longest-Living Conjoined Twins

by Steven Ertelt | Columbus, OH | 

Ronnie and Donnie Galyon have broken the world record as the longest-living conjoined twins. The record is a tough one to beat in part because conjoined twins don’t typically live very long lives but also because some of them are purposefully killed in abortions if their diagnosis is discovered in the womb.
The Galyons beat the previous record holders, Italian twins Giacomo and Giovanni Battista Tocci, who were born in 1877 and lived to be 63.
The Ohio twins are joined at the waist and face each other and have four arms, four legs and separate hearts and stomachs. They share a lower digestive tract, a groin, a rectum and penis, over which Donnie has control. Despite the physical attachments and the mobility difficulties their younger brother Jim says Ronnie and Donnie are “really healthy.”
The twins spent two years in the hospital when they were born and are at peace with the fact that they will not be separated.
The twins were born healthy in Dayton, Ohio, in October 1951 but stayed in the hospital for two years as doctors tried to figure out how to separate them. When experts said they could not guarantee both babies would survive an operation to part them, the parents said they would stay as they were.
The men agree that was the best decision.
‘The good Lord made us,’ Ronnie has said. ‘Let our savior do it.’


Monday, December 29, 2014

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities : approved by the bishop of Worcester

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA , an otherwise admirable community, accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities in the USA. This is approved by their bishop, the bishop of Worcester.
Novices have to allege that there are exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They have to endorse that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to persons saved in invincible ignorance or with a good conscience and these persons are visible and known to us.To assume that the dead in Heaven are visible and known to us in particular cases is a false premise an irrational propostion.How can the dead be living exceptions? And if the dead are not living exceptions to the dogma then how can it be said that Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) contradicts the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney?
Then the novices have to endorse the false conclusion. They have to claim that these dead -and- visible- for- us people, now in Heaven, are visible exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2014-2015 for salvation.  So for the novices, Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It contradicts the dogma, according to the founder of their community the late Fr.Leonard  Feeney, who held what the secular media calls the 'rigorist interpretation' .
The prior of this community, Brother Thomas Augustine MICM does not comment on this irrationality in e-mails I have sent to him over the last few years.
The irrational teaching given to the novices and held  by the rest of the community is supported by the priests of the diocese who offer the Traditional Latin Mass at the chapel in Still River, MA.
-Lionel Andrades
In spite of all the problems, it is still the Church full of greatness and glory September 9, 2014
Posted by Tantumblogo 
The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Still River, MA shared a blessed event yesterday in the form of one of their novices making her first profession of vows. Sister Mary Imelda traded in the white veil of a novice for the black one of a professed sister.
I asked a while back why it seems this order gets disrespect at times from some traditional Catholics, and never really got an answer. I think it has to do with an assumption that because there was a problem, once, there must still be one. That’s a really unfair appreciation, to my mind. In my experience, and from all available evidence, this order (both male and female) is solidly orthodox, committed to Tradition, and doing great work. They have never offered anything other than the TLM, even in the darkest days of the 70s and 80s. That’s a testament right there.
Anyways, some photos of the blessed event. I was also so pleased to read that the Slaves received a new novice on Aug 22 of this year. I pray this order continues to grow, because they do such good work! Maybe we’ll get to have a camp with them again locally this year, God willing!
slaves of imm heart vow 3

slaves of imm heart vow
slaves of imm heart vow 2
Look at them grow. God be praised! There are so few traditional women’s religious orders, each new professed soul represents a tremendous gift to the Church.
I really like this order on several levels. As much as I greatly appreciate and value cloistered contemplative orders like the Carmelites in Valparaiso and the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, their very cloistered nature puts a limit on their presence in the lives of others. The Slaves run a school, a camp, and have traveled around the country giving other camps for children. That is a glorious experience for children to receive, especially in this age when habited religious are so rare many may go their entire childhood without ever meeting a discernible religious. The Church needs both Martha and Mary, and the Slaves practice much of the lives of both.
God bless Sister Mary Imelda and Sister Gabriel Marie, along with new brother postulant Michael Duffy. The Duffy family now has three children among the Slaves. What. A. Blessing!
Oh, while I’m at it singing the praises of the Slaves and the Saint Benedict Center, I should mention their gift shop, which has a whole lot of very cool Catholic items. I really like the many bumper stickers and decals for your car I really haven’t seen anywhere else! You can really Catholic your car up! My man TE has this one:
There are a wide variety of other items at the gift shop, from books to crucifixes to artwork and even tapestries, which I remember correctly the nuns make themselves! There is quite a bit of great stuff, it’s worthwhile checking out.

Here are Catholics who do not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so do not come to the false conclusion

Here are Catholics who do not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so do not come to the false conclusion.
Brother Andre Marie are you saying that they are wrong?
Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errorshttp://eucharistandmission.blo...
How can zero cases of something be considered exceptions ?- John Martigionihttp://eucharistandmission.blo...
Implicit intention, invincible ignoran
ce and a good conscience (LG 16) in Vatican Council II do not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus –John Martigionihttp://eucharistandmission.blo...
-Lionel Andrades

If he was aware of the false premise, in future, he could reinterpret the Council in which there is no ambiguity with reference to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

Steve Speray has placed a post on his website 1 and will not post my comments. He interprets Vatican Council II with an irrational inference, which comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and he has accepted this hook, line and sinker. He still does not have a clue to what I am saying.-L.A
To distinguish itself apart from all false churches, the Catholic Church teaches that it can be identified by four marks: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
If the church under Francis I and the Second Vatican Council (Vatican 2) lack any one of the four marks, then it necessarily follows that Francis I and his church are counterfeit...
Now he sets out to interpret Vatican Council II assuming that UR 3 etc refer to visible and known cases in 2014-2105 and so are explicit for us. This is his false premise. Then he comes to a false conclusion. He assumed that these visible for us cases of persons in Heaven are explicit exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation in the present times. In other words they are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Tradition.So he concludes that Vatican Council II contradicts extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( The Council of Florence etc) and so goes into sedevacantism.
For me Vatican Council II is traditional and not in conflict with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors, since I did not use the false premise and do not come to a false conclusion.
Pope Francis is the pope for me.I accept whatever he says as long as it does not contradict Tradition and other popes.
At the same time I affirm the Catholic Church as being one, holy and Apostolic.
Vatican 2’s explanation is in line with the Protestant understanding of the profession of the Creed insofar as its teaching consists of a visibly divided Church unified in spirit only. It denies the mark of oneness as taught by the Roman Catechism and the popes and councils before the 1960’s...

The catechism makes special reference to UR3 of Vatican 2 supporting the above statement:
“It follows that these separated churches and communities as such, though we believe them to be deficient in some respects, have by no means been deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation whose efficacy comes from that fullness of grace and truth which has been entrusted to the Catholic Church.”
Of course, the Vatican 2 religion advocates that clinging and embracing its religion is best because it has the fullness of means, but it doesn’t teach that its membership is a necessary precept because non-Catholic churches have a means to salvation, just not the fullness thereof.
Steve Speray is referring to the common interpretation of Vatican Council(with the false premise). If he was aware of the false premise, in future, he could  reinterpret the Council in which there is no ambiguity with reference to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades


Here are Catholics who do not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so do not come to the false conclusion as does Steve Speray.

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors
June 21, 2014

Catholic Religious indicate the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 made a factual mistake :implicit desire etc is not visible to us

Catholic religious contradict Bishop Fellay : Nostra Aetate is not an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus




Apostasia dei pastori e dei teologi : Un pontificato per far emergere l'apostasia silenziosa

apostasia dei pastori e dei teologi

Un pontificato per far emergere l'apostasia silenziosa di Enrico Cattaneo

Si sente spesso dire che il Papa«non ha convocato due Sinodi sulla famiglia per ribadire l’esistente». Tutti si aspettano quindi dei cambiamenti, delle «aperture», ma a che cosa? In quale direzione? E poi qual è “l’esistente”? Se l’esistente è la dottrina, tutti hanno detto e ripetuto che «la dottrina non si tocca». Allora l’esistente è la pratica. …. La cosa più preoccupante, a mio avviso, non sono le mancanze in se stesse (sempre si è fatto fatica a osservare le norme morali), ma è la loro teorizzazione come qualcosa da riconsiderare in senso positivo. In effetti, buona parte di cattolici (e forse soprattutto tra gli intellettuali) segue per lo più la morale laica dominante, secondo la quale – per fare degli esempi concreti –usare i contraccettivi è normale; prendere le varie “pillole del giorno dopo” è pure cosa accettabile; l’aborto no, per carità, però se una donna lo chiede, perché negarglielo? E poi in alcuni casi ci vuole (come quando la diagnosi prenatale rivela qualche anomalia; o come in caso di stupro, ecc.). Quanto alla fecondazione artificiale, omologa o eterologa, essa è vista come un progresso. Non parliamo poi della cultura omosessualista, che ormai sembra accettata da molti anche nella Chiesa, almeno nei suoi presupposti generali, e cioè che l’omosessualità è un dato di natura, e quindi non ha nulla di peccaminoso, anzi è portatrice di valori positivi; e che le convivenze omosessuali vanno tutelate in qualche modo, se non proprio equiparate a “famiglie”.

Ora se questo è l’esistente, il Sinodo che cosa è chiamato a fare? È vero che Papa Francesco incoraggia la libera discussione. Ma che cosa significa affermare che dopo questo Sinodo«non si parlerà più come prima sulla famiglia»? Vuol dire che si deve parlare di “famiglie” al plurale, cioè vari tipi di famiglia (etero, omo, single, tripled, ecc.)? Vuol dire che si troverà una via per ammettere alla Comunione i divorziati risposati senza passare per una dichiarazione di nullità? Ma anche in questo campo, l’esistente in molti casi è già sfuggito di mano: in alcune parrocchie i divorziati risposati sono tranquillamente ammessi alla Comunione; in altre non si va più tanto per il sottile nel distinguere tra sposati, conviventi, divorziati risposati: tutti sono ammessi alla Comunione. Già che siamo nel campo liturgico, che dire di quelle parrocchie (non molte a dire il vero) dove ormai sono i laici (uomini e donne) che presiedono non solo la liturgia della Parola in mancanza di un presbitero, ma anche celebrano l’Eucaristia?

Ora il cambiamento auspicato potrebbe andare in due sensi: o legalizzare (per così dire) tutto questo scollamento, facendo una specie di“condono”, anzi giustificandolo con qualche piccolo aggiustamento (tutto, se si vuole, si può giustificare, ricorrendo all’ermeneutica); oppure dire: “Cari fratelli, ci siamo messi su una strada sbagliata, dobbiamo cambiare direzione, perché quella presa non porta da nessuna parte, anzi porta alla perdizione; dobbiamo tornare seriamente alla Parola di Dio, cominciando dai comandamenti; dobbiamo rincentrarci su Cristo e sulla sua grazia, senza la quale nulla è possibile. Questi sono i cambiamenti che il Signore ci chiede”. Secondo me il Papa non ha ancora preso posizione, come alcuni fanno credere, ma sta ponendo le basi senza le quali non è possibile nessun cammino, e cioè: Cristo, la sua grazia, lo Spirito Santo, la Parola, la Chiesa, i Sacramenti, il senso del peccato, la riscoperta della misericordia divina.

Anche sentendo l’aria che tirava al Sinodo, mi chiedo: ma siamo così accecati che non ci accorgiamo più di questa “apostasia silenziosa”, di questo “scisma sommerso” che ha intaccato il cattolicesimo? Ecco allora una possibile interpretazione di questo difficile pontificato, che è quello di Papa Francesco: forse il Signore gli ha dato la missione di far emergere questo male nascosto (chiamiamolo pure “marciume” come ha fatto il Card. Ratzinger), perché vuole purificare la sua Chiesa. Questa operazione comporta due momenti distinti, ma correlati: la diagnosi, che va fatta alla luce della Parola di Dio e del Magistero della Chiesa, non in base alla dottrina del mondo; la terapia, che è quella usata da Gesù nel Vangelo. La diagnosi, se vuole essere vera, va fatta senza sconti e, se non si hanno le fette di salame sugli occhi, è preoccupante. E verrà poi anche il momento di riaffermare la dottrina. Il problema vero però è la terapia. Oggi non basta più ripetere la dottrina, perché il popolo cristiano nella pratica non la recepisce più, è troppo debole, malato spiritualmente, stordito dalla logica del mondo, disorientato dalla cedevolezza dei pastori e dei teologi.

Anti Catholic video targets extra ecclesiam nulla salus

There is a new video put out by a person whose videos are anti Catholic and who supports modernists philosophers like Simone Weil.
He starts of the video by quoting the popes on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is the traditional teaching on the dogma supported by Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
He then makes the wrong inference at Lumen Gentium 16 when he assumed that only those persons need to enter the Catholic Church who know about the Church, inferring that these cases who 'know' are exceptions to the dogma.ln other words they are explicit for us in the present times to be exceptions.
Lumen Gentium 16 does not contradict the traditional teaching of the dogma which he has cited earlier in the video. Since those who 'know' or those who are in invincible ignorance, are known only to God. They are not visible or known to us. So they do not contradict the dogma which Pope Pius XII called 'an infallible teaching'. This wrong inference comes from the  first part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which supported Fr.Leonard Feeney and Tradition, on doctrine.
In the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 there is a factual error.It is assumed that being saved with the baptism of desire/implicit desire and in invincible ignorance refer to explicit cases.It is a fact of life that these persons would be in Heaven and would not be visible to us. So how can they be exceptions to the earlier part of the Letter which affirms Tradition?
The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was made public by the Archdiocese of Boston after Cardinal Marchetti Selvaggini died.Reports say that the 'correction' in the second part of the Letter was made by a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston. This priest who became a cardinal, also supported the lifting of the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
The video then tries to show that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is non biblical.It does not quote John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc which support the dogma. Instead it quotes passages of the Bible which refer to Jesus as the Saviour. In other words Jesus is separated from the Church, and the Church is also separated from the Kingdom of God.These are both Protestant biblical interpretations.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is biblical.It comes to us from Jesus.He offered salvation from Hell, to those who believed in him in the only Church he founded.
-Lionel Andrades



Caution: the music could draw vibrations that fit in with evil influences.

However there would be tension with their bishops and others for whom the Council is a break with the dogma

Brother Andre Marie,
Do you'll still affirm the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and while doing so put aside Vatican Council II ?The Council and extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( rigorist interpretation) are not compatible.
So how can you say that the St.Benedict Center accepts extra ecclesiam nulla salus on your site?
You will not use my 'empiricist approach to theology' but will use 'a non empiricist approach', in which Lumen Gentium 16 etc are empirical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?
I consider myself a friend of the St.Benedict Centers,( with friends like these who needs enemies!!?? You must be thinking).
I just want them to understand that Vatican Council II supports their ( our) traditional position on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So it does not have to be either Fr.Leonard Feeney or Vatican Council II.
However there would be tension with their bishops and others for whom the Council is a break with the dogma.I understand this.
-Lionel Andrades

Sunday, December 28, 2014

I would ask you to show me an ambigous passage with respect to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.LG 16,LG 15,LG 8,NA 2,UR 3 etc ? None of them are ambigous for me.

  • The education and formation of our young religious brothers and sisters.
  • Vehicle maintenance on the small, hard-driven fleet that shuttles our brothers and sisters far and wide to distribute our books and spread the Faith.

Tantumblogo on The Blog for Dallas Area Catholics recently met a religious sister from the St.Benedict Center Still River,MA. He seemed impressed that she did not hold the rigorist interpretation of the dogma.He considers the baptism of desire an exception to the dogma.
Do you'll still affirm the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and while doing so put aside Vatican Council II ?The Council and extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( rigorist interpretation) are not compatible for Tamtamblogo.
So how can you say that the St.Benedict Center accepts extra ecclesiam nulla salus?(And there are doctrinal criticisms of Medugorje on the website!!)
Do you'll affirm the dogma as opposed to some parts of Vatican Council II ?
For me there are no ambigous passages in Vatican Council II which contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There are the orthodox passages. The passages which appear ambigous are those in which 1) the distinction between explicit-implicit , objective-subjective etc are not made and 2) an irrational premise is used because of the explicit-implicit, visible-invisible etc, distinction not being made.
Try it out. I would ask you to show me an ambigous passage with respect to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.LG 16,LG 15,LG 8,NA 2,UR 3 etc ? None of them are ambigous for me.Could you use my approach?
-Lionel Andrades

Cardinal Ratzinger in a subtle way did away with the dogma.

There have been so many reports of Pope Francis doing away with dogmas and doctrine but most Catholics are unaware that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II in magisterial documents put aside the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

28.The Church has faithfully preserved what the word of God teaches, not only about truths which must be believed but also about moral action, action pleasing to God (cf. 1Th 4:1); she has achieved a doctrinal development analogous to that which has taken place in the realm of the truths of faith. Assisted by the Holy Spirit who leads her into all the truth (cf. Jn 16:13), the Church has not ceased, nor can she ever cease, to contemplate the "mystery of the Word Incarnate", in whom "light is shed on the mystery of man".-Veritatis Splendor,1993

 Cardinal Ratzinger mentioned a  development of doctrine on the truths of  faith!
For him there was a development of doctrine based on the Fr.Leonard Feeney case  in Boston, when the magisterium suggested  there were explicit cases  of non Catholics saved  with the baptism of desire  and in invincible ignorance.So these explicit cases, for them, were exceptions to the rigoroust interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr;Leonard Feeney and Tradition.

The 'development of the faith' based  on an irrationality ( visible to us baptism of desire) was expressed in Vatican Council II.
This was a subtle way of doing away with the dogma. It was by inferring that there were visible cases of   the deceased , now in Heaven. Otherwise how could there be exceptions? Invisible cases cannot be exceptions.
This error was not corrected by Pope Benedict XVI or Pope John Paul II.
A major Catholic dogma, called an infallible teaching by Pope Pius XII,was placed under the rug because of alleged being able to see the dead.
Even Archbishop Lefebvre was not aware of the objective error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.Until today today, both groups of traditionalists, SSPX and St.Benedict Centers,are making the same error and are not aware of it.
-Lionel Andrades

Since they assumed that Pope Pius XII was correct and Fr.Leonard Feeney wrong Cardinal Ratzinger used an irrational inference in magisterial documents

Pope John Paul II made a doctrinal error

In Dominus Iesus Cardinal Ratzinger chose the irrational inference and rejected the traditional dogma on salvation

Similar to Dominus Iesus and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Ratzinger used an irrational inference in Ut Unum Sint


Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors
June 21, 2014
Catholic Religious indicate the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 made a factual mistake :implicit desire etc is not visible to us 

Catholic religious contradict Bishop Fellay : Nostra Aetate is not an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus
