Tuesday, June 3, 2014

For Bishop Olson to affirm a lie and misrepresent the Catholic Faith and then expect Fischer More College to do the same is malafide and illegal

Bishop Michael Olson is misrepresenting the Catholic Faith and is forcing Fischer More College(FMC) to proclaim a factual lie, to be regularised as a Catholic college which offers the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM).
If it was a secular institution Michael King the President of FMC could claim financial damages.Since Bishop Olson wants the FMC and the FSSP priests in his diocese to  uphold in public an irrational statement.
It is with this misrepresentation of facts that he allows the FSSP priests to offer the TLM and prohibits it at FMC.
Instead of helping FMC to raise funds the bishop has been pulling it down since Michael King and Dr.Dudley do not interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrational inference as the bishop.FMC rejects Vatican Council II with the false inference used in the interpretation.
Without the irrational inference, the visible-dead theory, there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, a dogma of the Church not affirmed in the diocese.
It would be malafide and illegal to expect FMC to claim in public that the dead are visible to them.It is this factual error, a falsehood, which the Vatican Curia and Bishop Olson want the FMC to accept for official recognition.
It is only with this objective lie of being able to see the dead saved 'with a ray of the Truth'(NA 2) who are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus will the Vatican allow the FMC and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to offer the TLM.Religious worship and freedom depends on endorsing a falsehood in public.
Traditionalists who welcome Vatican Council II with an objective error, the dead man walking theory, are allowed to offer the TLM.
Bishop Olson has not been responding to e-mails I have sent him and others in the diocese. The same is true for the rest of Catholic Dallas.
For Bishop Olson to affirm a lie and misrepresent the Catholic Faith and then expect FMC to do the same is malafide and illegal.It is not Catholic.
Bishop Olson cannot proclaim that :

1. All need to enter the Catholic Church in the USA in 2014 with 'faith and baptism' (AG 7) for salvation and there are no known exceptions.
2.There are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation and there are no exceptions).
He expects the FMC to deny these two points and allege that the deceased saved with 'a ray of the Truth' are visible on earth and so become exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7. This is fantasy. It is also a falsehood.FMC has to misrepresent the Catholic Faith  as do the FSSP priests and others in the diocese of Fort Worth.
-Lionel Andrades


Joseph Pearce joins Aquinas College,Nashville

Joseph Pearce, the Catholic writer who participated in the recent one day Latin Mass Conference in England where they did not discuss Vatican Council II being traditional on exclusive salvation in the Church, has joined the Dominican Aquinas College, Nashville.
Pearce also features on EWTN which interprets Vatican Council II (NA 2,UR 3, LG 16;LG 8 etc) as referrring to salvation being visible on earth and so a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of Pope Pius X.
-Lionel Andrades

Dominican Aquinas College to teach that Nostra Aetate 2 refers to visible in the flesh cases

Sister Mary SarahThe Dominican Sisters  of St. Cecilia , including the Dominican Sisters who teach at the Aquinas Instiute and Aquinas College, USA  are to continue teaching that Nostra Aetate 2 is an exception to the traditional interpretation of the Catholic dogma on salvation, defined by three Church Councils.
Sr.Sarah Galbraith,President, Acquinas College will not deny that this irrational inference is being used at their educational instituions and religious communities to interpret  magisterial documents, which include Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholilc Church.
Nor will she make any clarification on this error.She has the support of the bishop of Charlotte to continue teaching with the false premise.
Sr.Jane Dominic Laurel O.P.  on a sabbatical, has no comment on this issue. The error was part of her theological formation at the Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas, Rome.
They are not willing to teach that the Catholic Church in its official documents affirms the old ecclesioliogy and theology when an irrational premise is not used in the interpretation. Without this premise, Aquinas College and Institute would have teach that all Jews, Muslims, Buddhists etc are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).
-Lionel Andrades

SSPX defers announcement

There is no announcement being made by Econe,the SSPX Headquarters nor by the District Superiors of the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX).There is a factual error; a doctrinal error in most of the books published by the Society.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops assumed that Nostra Aetate 2 ' a ray of the Truth' was an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to  Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The SSPX has addressed this issue in its General Chapter Statement (2012).It affirmed extra ecclesiam nulla salus and stated that there were no exceptions.
However in the last Letter to Friends and Benefactors, Bishop Bernard Fellay, criticized the two canonisations, and inferred that Nostra Aetate 2 was an exception to traditional teaching.
Similarly the District Superior of the SSPX in Italy, in an article on extra ecclesiam nulla salus, assumes that Nostra Aetate 2 etc, are exceptions. This would imply that these cases are visible for him, to be exceptions.The book with this error of Don Pierpaolo Petrucci is being sold at SSPX centres.
Catholic lay persons, supporters of the SSPX , buy these books and are not aware of the error.The SSPX defers making an announcement.
-Lionel Andrades


Ferrara,Rao,Barreiro wil not affirm Vatican Council II with exclusive salvation at Roman Forum confc. : looking after N.1

Christopher Ferrara (American Catholic Lawyers Association),Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula (Human Life International, Rome), Dr.John C. Rao, Chairman,Roman Forum and other speakers will not affirm Vatican Council II along with exclusive salvation this month. They will claim that Nostra Aetate 2( a ray of the Truth) refers to objective cases on earth in 2014, even though these deceased-saved with 'a ray of the Truth' etc are in Heaven. They will use this false premise to claim that there are exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to Tradition.
At the Roman Forum Conference in Italy this month, they will repeat,the lie as they have done during the last 22 years, at this gathering of Catholic traditionalists.
They protect their lifestyle and appease the political left inside and outside the Church by repeating a factual error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
The propaganda on salvation being visible for us is supported by the Vatican Curia which permits the Catholic traditionalists to offer the Traditional Latin Mass as long as they avoid the 'old' ecclesiology and theology.This emerges when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the dead man walking premise. Without the irrational inference in the interpretation of the Council, Vatican Council II affirms the 'old' ecclesiology and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.With the irrational premise, texts in Vatican Council II emerge ambigous.
-Lionel Andrades

Fischer More College withholds announcement on campus,residential program until ruling from Ecclesia Dei Commission

Concurrent with the close of the 2013-14 school year, Fisher More College issues the following statements

The business operations and programs of the College proceed as usual into normal summer mode. An announcement regarding fall courses and enrollment will be made as soon as it is possible.
The College has petitioned the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei for hierarchical recourse against the decision of Bishop Michael Olson prohibiting Mass in the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite at the College chapel. Based on our understanding of canonical procedure, the Commission can be expected to rule on this matter by mid-July. At this time, the College intends to withhold making any decisions regarding its campus and residential program until it receives a ruling from the Commission.
The Fisher More Academy online program is healthy and operates with business-as-usual in preparation for next school year. The Academy continues to add exceptional teachers and staff from across the country, has been accepting enrollment for grades 4 thru 12 since the beginning of April, and looks forward to another year of providing an education program to Catholic families that is traditional, formative, excellent, and affordable.

Meriam Ibrahim Will Not be Freed, Attorneys Appeal Execution to International Court

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/2/14 

Over the weekend, news reports surfaced that a top Sudanese official indicated Meriam Ibrahaim would “be freed” after getting a death sentence from the government of Sudan for rejecting Islam. LifeNews was doubtuful when the reports surfaced and it turns out the official in question talked out of turn, with the court in Sudan indicating that only it has the power to overturn the decision.
meriam4Abdullahi Alzareg, an under-secretary at the foreign ministry, said the county was committed to protecting the woman and guaranteed religious freedom and indicated Ibrahim would be released and not face further charges. But lawyers for 27-year-old Ms Ibrahim expressed scepticism that she would be freed so quickly.
They were right.
“But the foreign ministry issued a clarification on Sunday, saying that only the judicial system could rule on the case,” the Belfast telegraph reported today.
Meanwhile, Meriam’s attorneys are appealing her case to international courts, as they are taking her appeal to the African Commission on Human Rights. As the London Telegraph reports:
Lawyers for Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy, are appealing to the African Commission on Human Rights in a bid to secure her freedom – after the pledge that she would be released “within days” was denied by the government.
“Sudan has ratified the African charter on human and people’s rights,” said Elshareef Ali Mohammed, a lawyer representing Ms Ibrahim and her husband Daniel Wani. “The charter states that apostasy is not a crime – and so Sudan should never have brought this case in the first place.”
Mr Elshareef and his colleagues told The Telegraph that they have also submitted an appeal to the court in Khartoum – although, to their bemusement, the court on Monday was claiming that they had not received the paperwork.
The renewed attempts to secure her freedom followed a weekend of bizarre and conflicting reports about her case.
Mr Elshareef immediately pointed out that only the appeal court could free her – not the foreign ministry – and the next day Abu Bakr al-Sideeg, spokesman for the foreign ministry confirmed that the reports were false.
“I am not aware that any release is imminent,” he said.
Now the legal team are hoping that the Commission, which is based in Gambia, will pressure President Omar al-Bashir to intervene and overturn the sentence.
The Commission states that it has been set up to “ensure protection of human and peoples’ rights” through what it terms the “friendly settlement of disputes.”
Meriam gave birth this week to a baby girl named Maya and she continues to languish in a notoriously rank Sudanese prison with her 20-month-old son and her newborn daughter. Hundreds of thousands of people have signed petitions urging Sudan to free Meriam or urging their own governments to speak out on her behalf.
Just a day after the first pictures emerged of Meriam Ibrahim’s newborn baby named Maya, her husband was pleading with people around the world to speak up on her behalf so she is not executed for her faith.
The pregnant Christian woman gave birth in chains while in a Sudanese prison because of her Christian faith. Ibrahim’s legs were chained as she gave birth in Sudanese jail and the 27-year-old gave birth as she was shackled to the floor. Her husband was initially refused entry to jail but was eventually allowed in with lawyer.
In an email to LifeNews, Family Research Council President Tony Perkinswas critical of the Obama administration for not doing more to speak out on her behalf as other governments worldwide have done.
“Earlier this week, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) that he wasn’t sure he knew about her case but promised to look into the possibility of granting safe haven in the United States. Since then, he has said nothing more publicly,” he said.
“The Obama administration should grant immediate refugee status to Meriam and her children so that they will have the option of finding safe haven in the United States. Family Research Council joins thousands of Americans in demanding President Obama offer a safe haven to this suffering American family,” concluded Perkins.
David Christensen, the Vice President for Government Affairs, is urging Americans to contact Congress on Meriam’s behalf.
“Please contact your Member of Congress and urge them to support H. Res. 601, introduced this week by Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona, calling for the release of imprisoned Sudanese Christian Meriam Ibrahim,” he said.
“Meriam has spent months in a Sudanese prison and has been sentenced to death — all for refusing to recant her Christian faith. Just this week, she gave birth to her second child — a daughter — while still held in jail. Despite being married to an American citizen and the fact that her children are also eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship, Meriam’s case has received little attention from our Department of State or the U.S. Embassy in Sudan,” he told LifeNews. “That’s why H. Res. 601 also calls upon this Administration to act now on behalf of Meriam and to move quickly to grant her and her children refuge in the United States.”
“Sudan’s egregious treatment of Meriam represents the type of human rights abuses our country has long publically condemned. It’s important that Members of Congress act now to pressure the Executive Branch to act and to signal their support for religious freedom and human rights. Please contact your Representative and urge them to co-sponsor H. Res. 601 today,’ he concluded.

Deathbed revelation sparks major revival
