Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fr.Raffaele Maiolini, Director of the Office for Education, University and Schools in Brescia, Italy says extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not a dogma but an aphorism

Foto del docente
Fr.Raffaele Maiolini, Director of the Office for Education, University and School in Brescia, Italy says extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not a dogma but an aphorism.
I have received an e-mail from him yesterday (Jan.30,2014) in response to the report I sent his office at Brescia.1 He writes that I should study the subject a little bit and that theologically and according to the Magisterium ( teaching authority of the Church) it is not all what I mean.2
He  cannot be blamed for not being aware that the dogma has been defined by three Church Councils , since there is still no translation of the dogma into Italian.3
Also Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger did not mention the dogma in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.The text of the dogma was never  published.
The magisterium  also accepted the irrational reasoning of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.It  assumed that those persons  saved with the baptism of desire etc refer to objective cases. In other words persons in Heaven are seen and known defacto in the present times to be relevant to the dogma.So Pope John  Paul II, like the popes since Pius XII, presumed the baptism of desire etc were known, visible in the flesh exceptions to the dogma. They were exceptions to the interpretation of the Church Councils, popes, saints and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The result is that the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 only mentions an 'aphorism' and not a defined dogma.
So the Director of the Office for Education in Brescia corrects me and says extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not a dogma but an aphorism.
For the Office of Education in Brescia  theologically and magisterially, there are known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of St.Maximillian Kolbe in the 1930's and the saints over the centuries. They were all wrong for him! Since for the saints there were no exceptions.
If Fr.Raffaele Maiolini would admit that the Marchetti letter of 1949 made an objective mistake then it would mean the saints are still correct after Vatican Council II and it is the present magisterium which is wrong.
Fr.Raffele is a professor of theology at the Università Cattolica del Sacre Cuore.
-Lionel Andrades
Ilaici cattolici dovrebbero contattare i vescovi ausiliari di Roma: Vicariato insegna una falsità  

Per me dovresti farti vedere.
Ma da uno bravo.
E studiare anche un po’.
Sia per scrivere in italiano corretto.
Sia per sapere cosa significhi teologicamente e magisterialmente l’assioma (non il dogma) extra ecclesiam nulla salus; non vuol dire affatto quanto intendi tu.
don Raffaele Maiolini
Ufficio per l’Educazione, la Scuola e l’Università
Diocesi di Brescia


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