Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rorate Caeili, Life Sites, NCR,EWTN prefer the evolved version of the dogma

"Because dogma has its own evolution; that is a development, not a change.” - Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri

Cardinal Baldisseri on the Synod on the FamilyFollowing his presentation, Cardinal Baldisseri fielded questions. The first came from a representative from a Venezuelan-based family organization, who wished to remain anonymous. The representative’s question was more of a statement.

He expressed “concern” and “shock” over Cardinal Kasper’s proposal at last February’s Extraordinary Consistory of Cardinals, in which Cardinal Kasper argued that the Catholic Church ought to study the Eastern Orthodox Church’s allowance of divorce and remarriage. Cardinal Kasper speculated that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics might be allowed to receive the Holy Eucharist, after a penitential process in the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Baldisseri responded by saying, “We shouldn’t be shocked that there is a different position from the ‘common doctrine.’”
He cited the example of the many contrasting positions that were in evidence at Vatican II. “Therefore, there’s no reason to be scandalized that there is a cardinal or a theologian saying something that’s different than the so-called ‘common doctrine.’ This doesn’t imply a going against. It means reflecting. Because dogma has its own evolution; that is a development, not a change.”
The cardinal added that it is “right that there is a reaction” and that “this is exactly what we want today. We want to discuss things, but not in order to call things into doubt, but rather to view it in a new context, and with a new awareness. Otherwise, what’s theology doing but repeating what was said in the last century, or 20 centuries ago?”

Theology, he said, “is meant to be investigated” and therefore “we shouldn’t be concerned.”-Cardinal Baldisseri 
 Diane Montagna is Rome correspondent for Aleteia’s English edition
"Because dogma has its own evolution; that is a development, not a change.” - Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri
Neither does Rorate Caeili, LifeSites or traditionalist websites want to admit that doctrine was changed in 1949, dogma was changed, when it was assumed that the baptism of desire was an exception to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This was the new theology, the new evolved doctrine which was included in Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14 etc).
The text in Vatican Council II (AG 14,AG 7) is harmless and innocent but it is the inference which goes with it, that changes the traditional teaching on the dogma. This is the inference used by New Catholic at Rorate Caeili, John Henry Weston and Hilary White at LifeSites, Edward Pentin, Patrick Archbold, Jimmy Akins and Mark Shea at the National Catholic Register, the apologists at EWTN, the SSPX in general, Cardinal Walter Kasper , the Vatican Curia and the popes since Pius XII.
The dogma on salvation was completely changed and Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for speaking the truth.
Now if one is a Feeneyite it is considered anti-Semitic by the Jewish Left who originally supported Cardinal Cushing in Boston. There  are threats today if you are a Feeneyite. So Rorate Caeili, Life Sites, NCR,EWTN etc are protecting their interests and not affirming the dogma.They prefer the evolved version. It is politically correct.They are not willing to say that Vatican Council II is Feeneyite when the Cardinal Marchetti premise is not used in the interpretation.
-Lionel Andrades

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