Monday, January 19, 2015

March for Life : double standard of participants

foto di Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The March for Life will be held in Rome in a few months in which like last year there will be participants from different religions and countries.There are no official sponsors and the Mayor supports abortion unlike the previous one, who also participated in the pro life walk.
This March for Life, John Henry Weston, the Catholic Editor of Life, USA could be present as he was last year.
This seems like another case of Mark Shea being all for pro life issues and other Catholic teachings but changing the Nicene Creed, rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrationality.

John Henry Weston and Hilary White (Rome correspondent) of Life use the same irrationality, approved by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani and Cardinal Richard Cushing in 1949.

Weston will not say that all need to enter the Church for salvation in 2015 ,with no exceptions.Life sites' cofounder is Protestant Steve Jalsevac.
According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Jalsevec like the founder of Lifenews Steve Ertelt are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Church formally.This is also the doctrine of the Church which they ignore when they cover other Catholic issues and even comments on the last Synod, doctrine-wise.Abortion-yes, extra ecclesiam nulla salus-no, is the policy of LifeSites.
Weston interprets Vatican Council II with the irrationality of Lumen Gentium 16  etc referring to known exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.
This is the liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II. It is the interpretation of Vatican Council II which the Vatican Curia wants the Catholic religious community the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept.Life sites has posted many reports on the Franciscans of the Immaculate issue.
Similarly for  John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children,SPUC, England abortion would be wrong and a sin for a Catholic  but he would not want to say in public the same for denying the dogma outside the church there is no salvation.He would not affirm the dogma or comment on this issue.
For these pro life Catholics participating in the March for Life annually in Rome, abortion would be a mortal sin but it would not be a mortal sin to change Church teachings on salvation and to deny it.It is politically correct.

Just as these Catholics  expect other Catholics to live the teachings of the Church on abortion, contraceptives etc they also should affirm the Church's teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church. Abortion is a mortal sin. So also is denying the Nicene Creed and the defined dogma with an irrational premise and conclusion.

May be John Henry Weston and Hilary White are not aware that Vatican Council II can be interpreted without an irrational premise which makes the Council traditional. The Editor of LifeSites was not  aware that this was an option available for the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
For Hilary White this is all theology which she does not understand. Even Catholics who are not pro life and whom LifeSites criticizes could excuse themself. They are just ignorant .
-Lionel Andrades


  1. I am NOT a part of Life site. Please change this article immediately.

  2. January 20, 2015
    March for Life : Steve Ertelt responds
