Tuesday, January 20, 2015

March for Life : Steve Ertelt responds

Steve Ertelt:
Dear Lionel,
Your sad piece is an excellent example of the saying that some cut off their nose to spite their face.
First off, your fact checking is dreadful. Steve Ertelt is not at all involved in Lifesite and in fact despises LifeSite for its Catholic emphasis, coverage of homosexuality, unwillingness to compromise on moral principles and unwillingness to be pragmatic and support only Republican Party candidates, even those who are not really pro-life or pro-family.

So Steve is the founder of Lifesites but is not involved with Lifesites but sends me LIfeSite International's new reports and uses an e-mail with the Lifesite.com domain?
(Correction Jan 23, 2015 : Steve Ertelt is the Editor of Lifenews and Steve Jalsevec is the Editor of LifeSites.com)
Secondly you lump all of our staff in the same basket. For example, Hilary White is a firm Latin Mass Catholic who despises the Novus Ordo but who at the same time realizes that LifeSite is NOT a Catholic or otherwise religiously identified organization. We are a news service for the world on the issues that we cover and hence positively influence people of all or no faiths.
(Both organisations report on Catholic issues and misrepresent the Catholic teaching on salvation and Vatican Council II.)

True, however you have covered the last Synod and Lifesites has been correctly critical of the Eucharist being given to pro-abortion politicians.So also kindly say that the Catholic Church teaches that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell, unless they convert formally in the Church with 'faith and baptism' (AG 7).This is the dogmatic teaching of the Church and it is not contradicted by Vatican Council II.Please also express the Church's teachings on salvation, as Hilary White and John Henry Weston do on the Eucharist, abortion etc from a Catholic perspective.Lifesites has a big Catholic viewer/readership.John Henry Weston  also did a good expose on how Church collection in the USA is given to organisations whose values are anti-Catholic.So be consistent and report the salvation issue.It is related to Catholic family catechesis.

You know, we are deeply concerned about Pope Francis and his frequent severe criticisms of orthodox, especially faithful Catholics who overwhelmingly do not deserve such unjust and very harmful judgments from the pope. We hardly know anyone to whom such judgments of the pope applies.
He also does not interpret Vatican Council II in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Instead he uses a false premise and conclusion in the interpretation of the Council. He is forcing this interpretation of Vatican Council II ( with an irrationality) upon the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Could you please comment on this.
I appreciate the work of LIfesites. God bless you all.May you, who are not Catholic, find 'the fullness of the truth' in the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
(Both organisations will not affirm the Catholic orthodox teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church; outside the Church there is no salvation, since they assume that people now in Heaven saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance are physically visible on earth to be explicit exceptions to the traditional rigorist interpretation of the dogma.)
However, in your case I make an exception. Sadly, there are indeed a very tiny number of Catholics who fit the description of angry, destructive Pharisees who do not seem to love or know Jesus at all but are rather slaves to the the law without any comprehension of the love of God and one's fellow man that must accompany all references to the law.

When you refer to the law with reference to abortion and homosexuality kindly also refer to 'the law' with reference to salvation.

I have met only a tiny handful of "Christians" who fit that description and it is always disconcerting to have such an encounter. And here today I have another such encounter with yourself.

I am only asking you to affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding salvation.When you expect Catholics to live the Church teachings on pro life issues you could encourage them also not to throw away Catholic teachings on the Creed, dogma on salvation and Vatican Council II.This would be consistent.
There is not a trace of charity in your remarks. As a fellow believer, I have to, in all charity, advise you that your approach is a highly damaging one to Christs's Church, no matter how you interpret Church teachings, and that you are placing your soul in danger. Please consider this.
(According to Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the defined dogma Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441, both Steve Ertelt and Steve Jalsevec, Protestants, are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the only Church Jesus founded but they will not report that this is the teaching of the Catholic Church.)

As a fellow believer?
According to the teachings of the Catholic Church you are on the way to Hell.I say this in all charity.Pelosi and Biden will not tell you this.
no matter how you interpret Church teachings

Would you make this interpretation- allowance for those Catholics who are pro abortion and interpret it as being O.K with the Church e.g U.S Catholic politicians?
and that you are placing your soul in danger

I am affirming the teachings of the Catholic Church. Vatican Council II (AG 7), Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 etc indicate Protestants need to convert into the Catholic Church to go to Heaven. I am reminding you of what the Church teaches.You ignore it when you report on issues-Catholic.
I am not saying that you are condemned.There is eternal hope for you if,before you die,  you accept Jesus as your Saviour in the Catholic Church and live the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church and receive the Sacraments, through with Jesus saves.
At the next March for Life in Rome please ask John Henry Weston , whose work at LifeSites I appreciate, to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in agreement with Vatican Council II. If he cannot affirm Church teachings on exclusive salvation, how can he expect other Catholics ,to be obedient on pro- life teachings ?
He does not affirm the teachings of the Church on salvation with Vatican Council II, with reference to the Franciscans of the Immaculate  and has blocked me from commenting on this issue on the Lifesites website.It is still politically acceptable to affirm pro life issues but not outside the Church there is no salvation, in agreement with Vatican Council II? So why criticize those who are pro abortion ? Since they could also be doing what is politically acceptable  with the Left?
This is said in charity which cannot be expressed in e-mails as when speaking personally face to face or via the telephone.So please don't judge my motives.
In Christ
-Lionel Andrades

January 19, 2015

March for Life : double standard of participants



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