Monday, January 12, 2015

Tauran does not condemn the blasphemy against the Trinity in Charlie Hebdo

Card. Tauran: Le religioni sono la soluzione, non il problemaWhen will Cardinal Tauran in his 'political career' tell Muslims that Vatican Council II (AG 7) says they all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation ?
So those who blow themself , along with innocent Muslims, will get a frightening surprise , in the next world.The cardinal did not warn them.One can only be a martyr by dieing for Christ and with faith in Him in the Catholic Church.
The Muslims in the Charlie Hebdo attack  will be judged and Jesus will deny those who denied Him on earth by not formally entering the Catholic Church.
Without 'faith and baptism' and without the forgiveness of mortal sins, there is no happy future for them, after death.
Muslims are unaware of this truth and Cardinal Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Vatican does not want to tell them or announce this.
In an interview with Avvenire (Jan 10,2015) he has said that a better understanding among religions and education is the unique strategy to end terrorism.He is referring to the political Left concept of inter religious dialogue and not the proclamation of the truths of the Church on salvation and Hell.
Why doesn't he educate them on Vatican Council II and outside the Church there is no salvation?
He has not criticised the blasphemous cover page cartoon on the Trinity in an earlier edition of the French magazine but in the interview (Avvenire p.7) he praises 'liberty of expression'. He does not express the truths of the Catholic Faith on the salvation of Muslims. Does he have the liberty of expression to do this?
Cardinal Tauran does not condemn the blasphemy on the Trinity in the magazine Charlie Hebdo.He  simply says we cannot laugh at everything in the magazine. There are religious  feelings which must be respected.He does not state that the Christian cartoonists would also be oriented to Hell for their blasphemy.In a Catholic Confessional State they would be executed.Tauran instead supports the separation of Church and state imposed by the Left.
The political left do not respect the religious feelings of Catholics and so the Faith is not allowed to be taught in Catholic schools and universities in Italy etc. So what education in schools and universities in inter religious dialogue is he referring to ?
-Lionel Andrades

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