Monday, January 12, 2015

The dogma says all need to be formal members of the Catholic Church for salvation and we do not know any one who is saved without 'faith and baptism'

Posted as a comment by Nick, Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus: A Question of Emphasis
The idea that everyone must be Catholic is heresy! For that denies the validity of Protestant baptisms.
I am not certain what you advocating for the RCC to do. Re-instate the Inquisition? Torture & burn Protestants, Jews, & Muslims at the stake? Deny that people have the inherent right of freedom of religion & worship? Deny Jews, Muslims and Protestants the right to worship? Would you make the entire world an RC theocracy?
I keep coming back to the same rational point.The dogma says all need to be formal members of the Catholic Church for salvation and we do not know any one who is saved without 'faith and baptism'.
So there could be ca ase of a Protestant who was saved with the baptism of water.This  hypothetical person would be in Heaven, for some people, in a discussion.However we would all have to agree rationally, that this case is not relevant to the dogma or an exception to the Feeneyite version of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
I am not certain what you advocating for the RCC to do. Re-instate the Inquisition?
There would be an inquisition if there were Catholic Confessional states in the present times. Since there are socialist, liberal confessional states, the inquisition is still there but  is conducted with different values.
Torture & burn Protestants, Jews, & Muslims at the stake?
This is what is happening to Catholics,Muslims,Protestants and other religious in secular, communist, leftist confessional states today.There is the freedom of expression for  evil values and Christians are restricted. They are not burnt, but are killed and penalised in other ways.
Would you make the entire world an RC theocracy?
The world has to be a theocracy which is pro-God or a 'cracy' which is pro-Satan.There are only two options. The present political system with their 'dogma' of 'freedom of expression' promotes abortion, free sex, un -natural marriage, euthanasia, atheism and other Satanic values.One cannot support the political Left and also be a good Catholic. We have to choose between God and the one who opposes God.
-Lionel Andrades

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