Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bishop Robert C. Morlino says doctrines cannot be changed yet on salvation he has accepted a change in doctrine and practise

Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison,Wisconsin,USA says that the Church's teaching on the divorce and marriage and the family cannot be changed. Yet the Church's teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus has changed for him and he would regularise a marriage of a non Catholic with a Catholic.He says 'pastorally' it can be done, unlike in the past.
He was speaking with Raymond Arroyo on The World Over which Fr. John Zuhlsdorf has cited on his blog.1
Bishop Morlino said that in the past ( pre -1949 ?) such a marriage would not even be considered  by some  Catholic priests. If a Jewish woman wanted to marry a Catholic it would not be possible. The  couple would  be told that they are  going to Hell.Now  it is allowed.
When Bishop Morlino says the couple would be told that they are going to Hell Raymond Arroyo makes a gesture of disapproval indicating that he too is liberal on this subject.
The bishop says now there is a way Jewish and Catholic can marry.
For Bishop Morlino, the dogma on exclusive salvation has changed.He has accepted the change. There is a development of doctrine.
In the past it was said there is no known salvation outside the Church and all need to convert with no exception. Now it is said there is salvation outside  the Church, there are known cases in the present times, there are known cases of people saved without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. So all do not need to formally enter the Church in the present times.
This was a major shift in Church teaching and it is accepted by the USCCB bishops and Popes Francis and  Benedict XVI. This teaching has been incorporated in the Catechism, of the Catholic Church 1257 which says God is not limited to the Sacraments.
So while bishop Morlino would  pastorally regularise the marriage of a Jew or Protestant with a Catholic he would pastorally not be willing to accept the changes set out for the family with regard to the Eucharist, as put forward by  Cardinal Kaspar.He would not  extend communion to divorced and remarried couples without an annulment. Neither would he accept same sex marriages according to Cardinal Marx.
The bishop says doctrines cannot change. Nor can they be changed in practise. Yet on salvation he has accepted the change in doctrine and practise , which come to us with the Cardinal Marchetti inference.
Bishop Robert  Morlino says someone living in adultery cannot receive the Eucharist yet he does not consider a non Catholic married to a Catholic  as being in adultery.Since the dogma has changed for him!
Raymond Arroyo  is the news director and lead anchor of EWTN News, the news division of the Eternal Word Television Network. He is creator and host of the news magazine The World Over Live. He is employed by EWTN.
-Lionel Andrades
February 18, 2015

Louie Verrecchio's wife is not Catholic, he interprets the dogma on exclusive salvation with an irrational premise and so it is not a sin for him

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