Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Louie Verrecchio's wife is not Catholic, he interprets the dogma on exclusive salvation with an irrational premise and so it is not a sin for him

Louie Verrecchio interprets Vatican Council II with the new theology.It comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. In this theology  an irrational premise is used to create an irrational conclusion.The result is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So he accepts the dogma with the irrational  proposition. This is also done by the magisterium, the USCCB bishops and the SSPX. He does not know of another way.This is how he interprets the Catechism too.He was born in 1961 and this was all normal.
For the U.S bishops there is salvation outside the Church. Those saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire are exceptions to the dogma. All need to enter the Church except for...the exceptions.So since there is salvation outside the Church, as the Marchetti 1949 letter infers, a Jew can be saved.Non Catholics do not necessarily need to enter the Catholic Church formally.Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong and stands condemned by the liberals and traditionalists.
So a Catholic could marry a Jew and the marriage over time would be regularised.Why ? Since the teaching on salvation has been changed.The liberal premise of Cardinal Marchetti has entered theology. There is defacto, known, objective salvation outside the Church. We can see baptism of desire cases in real life, as Marchetti  inferred, irrationally . The dead-saved were visible exceptions to Tradition for him
Louie Verrechio says that his wife is Jewish.1 For a number of years he  had  not received  Holy Communion at Mass.They have now gone through the necessary canonical process to have their marriage validated.
This was possible since the U.S bishops reject the dogma as interpreted by the Church Fathers, the Church Councils, popes, saints and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
If Verrecchio accepted this  traditional understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( i.e no known exceptions) he would be living in adultery.It is only the Marchetti premise which prevents him accepting extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known in the Church before 1949.
It is also because of the Marchetti premise which he uses in theology, that he interprets Vatican Council II as a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It becomes a break with  the traditional Catholic teaching on other religions and Christian communities.He cannot conceive of another way to interpret the Council. For him his approach is perfectly rational.He is not aware of the irregular premise he uses for his reasoning.
If there was no known salvation outside the Church for him, if those saved with the baptism of desire are unknown to him in February 2015, then outside the Church there really would be no known salvation and his wife would be outside. She would be outside  the Church and on the way to Hell.Since, she is formally not a Catholic.Also he would be living in adultery.
Now he is not in adultery since his bishop would tell him outside the Church there is known salvation.Now he lives with a non Catholic wife and receives the Eucharist at Mass.This  is approved by bishops who reject the dogma and give the Eucharist to people in mortal sin.For them it is not a sin.They would be ready to regularise such a marriage.
Verrecchio is a popular speaker at SSPX conferences.The SSPX  rejects the Novus Ordo Mass because of its new theology and ecclesiology.However they would accept Louie's marriage  regularised by a liberal bishop.
His bishop would not consider Louie Verrecchio as being in adultery and neither would he expect Mrs. Verrecchio to convert or be separated from her husband.Since outside the Church there is salvation and Mrs. Verrecchio could be saved even outside the Church. We are back to Marchetti's new doctrine and theology.
-Lionel Andrades

Tradwriter 26: Is Vatican II an integral part of the tradition of the Church?.(15:00)


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