Thursday, February 5, 2015

Diocese of Brescia still silent : Fr.Cavalcoli O.P confirms, it's a dogma!

I have been in correspondence with officials of the Office for Education, Schools and University of the Catholic diocese of Brescia, Italy.They still will not say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Church.

Meanwhile I have received an e-mail from Fr. Giovanni Cavalcoli O.P yesterday saying that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma defined by the Council of Florence (1439-1442)
Fr. Raffele Maiolini the Director of this office will still not admit that it is a dogma.Initially he told me it is not a dogma. I sent the bishop of Brescia Mons.Luciano Monari an e-mail yesterday asking him the same question.
I have sent Fr.Cavalcoli's comment to them.-Lionel Andrades

February 4, 2015

Italian Director of the Office for Education, University and Schools in Brescia will still not say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma

January 31, 2015
Fr.Raffaele Maiolini, Director of the Office for Education, University and Schools in Brescia, Italy says extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not a dogma but an aphorism

February 4, 2015
Direttore italiano dell'Ufficio per l'Istruzione, l'Università e Scuole a Brescia non sarà ancora dire che extra ecclesiam nulla salus è un dogma

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