Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lifesites double standards uses the Marchetti inference to interpret Vatican Council II the same as  liberal Catholic bishops whom they cricize. It  is convenient, prudent and politically correct.They are  now  criticizing the Catholic Church and Bishop Lynch over the Terri Schiavo case. Steve Jalsevaz also commented on Relatio during the last Synod.
 Steve Jalsevac
Steve Jalsevac, Managing Director of Lifesites does not say that without the Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani inference Vatican Council II would be in accord with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This means Vatican Council II and the dogma defined three times would be saying that Steve Jalsevac a Protestant, is oriented towards Hell at the time of death, if he does not convert into the Catholic Church.
Also to affirm Feeneyism, which is the official teaching of the Catholic Church in magisterial documents interpreted without the Marchetti inference, would bring threats under leftist laws.They would be considered bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic etc.
So they will comment on the activities of the Catholic Church and present their traditional views while they affirm a non traditional, liberal view of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with reference to Vatican Council II.
Similarly they  reported that the Franciscans of the Immaculate were expected to accept Vatican Council II to be able to offer the Traditional Latin Mass. Lifesites never said that the priests of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate  had to endorse Vatican Council II with the irrational premise.This makes the Council a break with Tradition in general and the dogma in particular.
Catholics John Henry Weston and Hilary White interpret Church documents using the Marchetti inference.Without the Marchetti inference they would be Feeneyite and that would not be politically acceptable.
 Marcia per la Vita
For them it is O.K to be politically correct with the Left but they do not give the same privilege to Catholic bishops and the pope whom they criticize.In a few months they will be participating in a March for Life in Rome, along with other participants, with the same double standards.
Why should pro abortion politicians in the USA not receive the Eucharist and John Henry Weston and Hilary White receive the Eucharist at  Mass, when they cannot afirm a Catholic dogma in public ?
Lionel Andrades
The Catholic Church’s Terri Schiavo scandal
Vatican post contradicts Church teaching: why has it not been removed?
Pope Francis approved family synod’s controversial mid-term report before publication: synod chief

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