Friday, March 20, 2015

FSSP priests in Rome not allowed to affirm Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus without three irrational points: no denial from religious community

FSSP priests in Rome are not allowed to affirm Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus without the three irrational points used in the interpretation. There is  no denial from the pastor in Rome.
The FSSP priests in Rome, are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass only when they interpret Vatican Council II with these three irrational theories accepted by the magisterium since 1949.
1.Someone in the past is an exception to the dogma on March 20,2015.
2.Someone living will be an exception to the dogma today since he will be saved without faith and baptism.As if we can know!
3.Someone in Heaven is an exception to the dogma on earth.As if we can see people in Heaven.This is the dead-man walking theory!
Like the Franciscans of the Immaculate (F.I), the Fraternity of St.Peter (FSSP) are being forced to accept Vatican Council II with a fantasy inference, an X-FACTOR.I have reported on this before and there is no denial from the FSSP in Rome. They agree that they have to accept the Star Trek , Batman interpretation of Vatican Council II and the dogma on salvation, using the three points above.
To be allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass the FSSP must fake it. They have to claim that there are people in Heaven visible on earth and saved with the baptism of desire etc and these 'beings', visible on the streets, are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is straight from Star Trek, Batman,Spiderman etc.
Like the conditions laid for the F.I the FSSP have to say that ' a ray of the Truth' (NA 2) refers to someone saved without the baptism of water and this case is known to them on earth in the present times ( March 20) ? The deceased are visible!. Star Trek!!
 The Rome Vicariate should leave Fr. Joseph Kramer F.S.S.P.,Pastor at the Santissima dei Pelligrini parish in Rome ( Mobile: +39.348.93 53 936  Email: ) free to say that NA 2, UR 3, LG 8, LG 16 etc are not explicit exceptions to Tradition. All need 'faith and baptism' (AG 7) to go to Heaven. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They should be allowed to say that Vatican Council II does not contradict traditional ecclesiology, the Catechism of Pope Pius X, the Syllabus of Errors and the strict interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.This is a rational, inference-free version of Vatican Council, not interpreted with the three points above.
With the use of the three points, the FSSP are being forced to say by the Rome Vicariate that the Church has retracted outside the Church there is no salvation expressed in some form in CCC 845,846, AG 7, Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 etc.
Pope Francis for ideological reasons wants them to accept Vatican Council II with the X-FACTOR and then offer the Traditional Latin Mass. Fr.Kramer and the FSSP priests in public fly with the Batman-version of the Council.The SSPX of course has to do the same, to get canonical status.
The rabbis approve this interpretation of Vatican Council II for the Catholic Church and it is being forced upon the FSSP, F.I and other Catholics.
The dead- saved with the 'seeds of the Word' (AG 11) are visible - it must be claimed.This is a basic requirement to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.Even Fr.John Zuhlsdorf a friend of the FSSP, recently presented the developed version of EENS. He is in on line with  the three points.
Catholic priests in Rome must wave to this fantasy theology, to remain ' a priest in good standing' in the Catholic Church.To survive they have to politically accept a lie; the dead are visible and so are objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma on salvation.People in the past are present day exceptions. One can tell who will die without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water and will go to Heaven...
The Franciscans of the Immaculate will remain in the caverns unless like the FSSP they proclaim  an irrational version of the Council. The fantasy version. A way out could only be Pope Francis accepting Vatican Council II without the three points. This would be the only rational interpretation of the Council and the dogma.
Without the use of the three points we get a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus but this is not approved by the bishops in the Vicariate.Neither Pope Francis.-Lionel Andrades 

Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP, Fr.P. Stefano Visintin OSB say there are no exceptions to the dogma, Cardinal Valliani's Vicariate says there are

Un grazie speciale e la nostra riconoscenza va inoltre ad Antonio Pauletta, attore e amico carissimo, che tra una tappa e l'altra della sua tournée (ha voluto dedicare con generosità ed efficacia questo momento all'organizzazione della quarta degustazione del Club Criollo / Un merci spécial et toute notre reconnaissance va aussi à Antonio Pauletta, acteur et très cher ami, qui entre une étape et l'autre de son tour ( a voulu consacrer avec générosité et efficacité ce moment au bon déroulement de la quatrième dégustation du Club Criollo. Credits: Luca Arseni e Giuseppe Chiantera
Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP in Rome says there are no exceptions while the Vicariate is teaching young lay Catholics that there are exceptions

Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP confirms: there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire

There are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are not defacto exceptions-Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP

This was the irrational reasoning of Cardinal Marchetti in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 : the irrationality was used by Fr.Hans Kung and others to interpret LG 16,LG 8,UR 3,NA 2 etc

There can be a Vatican Council II according to a leftist or 'right wing' ideology : it depends upon the premise

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