Friday, March 20, 2015

Ideological excommunication underway

British Bishop Richard Williamson violated church law when he ordained Father Jean-Michel Faure, 73, a bishop without papal approval during a ceremony in Nova Friburgo, Brazil, March 19, the feast of St. Joseph.

While the Vatican did not comment immediately, canon law provides automatic excommunication for the newly ordained bishop and for the bishop ordaining him in cases where the ordination goes against the will of the pope.-CNS
Canon Law also provides automatic excommunication for a pope and cardinals who gives the Eucharist to Catholics in mortal sin.There is no excommunication for the present magisterium. Also when the magisterium denies a defined dogma and changes the Nicene Creed it warrants excommunication. These are all public sins of the pope and cardinals who are expected to excommunicate Bishop Williamson and Bishop Favre, with no mercy.
Before the feast of St.Joseph (March 19,2015) Bishop Williamson was not allowed to offer Mass in a 'mainstream' Catholic Church. Why? If one does not repeated the politically accepted figure for the Holocaust,he deserves to be treated as one already excommunicated?
When the excommunications were lifted he was not allowd to be a bishop in the Catholic Church unless he interpreted Vatican Council II, using Marchetti's irrational premise and fantasy conclusion, which is approved by the Jewish Left.
Now that he has refused to accept this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, which the magisterium will not reject, he is to be excommunicated for ordaining a new bishop, without the permission of the Vatican which approves the consecration of bishops who opppose Church teachings in flagrante.
-Lionel Andrades


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