Friday, April 10, 2015

Bishop Paul B.Bootkoski will not endorse Church teaching on sodomy and also Vatican Council II ?

Christine Niles has contacted the Diocese of Metuchen,USA.Church Militant TV Headlines  announced that Bishop Paul B.Bootkoski, the bishop of Metuchen will not endorse the Church Teaching on Sodomy.
I think if Bishop Bootkowski was asked by Church Militant TV to affirm Vatican Council II's teachings on Muslims and Jews he would also not do it.He would not be able to say that Vatican Council II says they all need faith and baptism for salvation.
He would consider it 'disturbing' and 'not reflecting the Church's teachings of acceptance'. These were the reasons why he encouraged Patricia Januzzi to be placed on administrative leave, in a school in his diocese when she commented on homosexuality and the family.
According to Vatican Council II Muslims and Jews are on the way to Hell since they do not have Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.Millions of them will go to Hell and Bishop Bootskowski will not mention it since he really does not want to lose his office.So just as he does not want to affirm the Church's teaching on sodomy, and possibly lose his office as bishop, he will not say that Vatican Council II affirms the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Bishop Bootkowski is appeasing the pro-Satan lobby, expressed by the political Left. They approve of homosexuality, abortion, atheism, attacks on Church doctrine...There are politicial threats to those who oppose them.
Similarly even popes and cardinals have not wanted to affirm other Church teachings, or they let it be changed through their silence.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger supported the pro-Satan lobby,perhaps unknowingly, when he inserted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257) that 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'.He was  suggesting that there are known exceptions to the Church's teachings on the Necessity of Baptism.
He repeated, instead of corrected, the line in Cardinal Marchetti's Letter(1949) which stated 'Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member'. Not always required? How did he come to this conclusion ? Neither did cardinals Marchetti or Ratzinger personally know of someone in the present times ( Marchetti 1949- Ratzinger 1992) saved without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water. They did not and could not know any one who was saved without 'being incorporated into the Church actually as a member'. No magisterial document before 1949 also mentioned any exceptions.So there was no precedent. It was not there in Mystici Corporis or the Council of Trent. No document said that it was possible to personally know of persons saved without faith and baptism or that these cases were exceptions to the dogma.The cardinals had to wrongly infer that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance referred to personally known cases, for them to be exceptions to the dogma.The text no where says this before 1949.They used this error to change Church exclusivist ecclesiology.
So Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger too stayed in office and avoided tension, like Bishop Paul Bootskowski.He changed Church doctrine with the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257).
Cardinal Ratzinger was following Pope Paul VI in Ecclesiam Suam and Evangelii Nuntiandi.This  pope never clearly and directly said that all needed to enter the Church, with no exceptions.Even Pope John XXIII did not correct the Marchetti error.
No one said that it was Cardinal Cushing who was in heresy.
No one said that it was Cardinal Marchetti who was in heresy.
Now Bishop Bootskowski uses Cushingism to interpret Magisterlal documents including Vatican Council II and this is being taught at schools in Methuen.
Probably Patricia Januzzi as a teacher of theology and religion also taught this error.
School children in Catholic religion classes are exposed to  doctrinal indifferentism.They are not taught that outside the Church there is no salvation.Since the indifferentism is there in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, when it says God is not limited to the Sacraments.
-Lionel Andrades
Controversial Bishop Won't Endorse Church Teaching on Sodomy
Bishop Bootkoski obfuscates - kicks Patricia Januzzi under a second bus!

April 12,2015: Divine Mercy Sunday
One evening; one of the deceased sisters who had already visited me a few times, appeared to me. The first time I had seen her, she had been in great suffering, and then gradually these sufferings had diminished; this time she was radiant with happiness, and she told me she was already in Heaven… And further as a sign that she only now was in Heaven, God would bless our house. Then she came closer to me, embraced me sincerely and said, "I must. Go now".
I understood how closely the three stages of a soul's life are bound together; that is to say, life on earth, in purgatory and in heaven [the Communion of Saints]. (Diary 594)

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