Friday, April 10, 2015

There is an option Fr.John Zuhlsdorf

Conservatives have no where else to go (e.g., the SSPX simply not an option). Conservatives accept Vatican II AND the Catechism of the Catholic Church AND Code of Canon Law says Fr.John Zuhlsdorf on his blog.1
There is another option  Fr.Z!
There are Catholic conservatives, unlike Fr.Z, who reject parts of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, since these passages contradict Tradition and these very documents themself.They are re-interpreted according to Tradition.
So they would accept Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with the SSPX position on other religions and ecumenism.These Catholics would reject these magisterial documents according to Cardinal Walter Kaspar or Cardinal Gerhard Mullers understanding of other religions and ecumenism related to salvation.
They would interpret these two Church documents in agreement with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra eccelsiam nulla salus, according to Fr.Leonard Feeney, the Church Councils, popes and saints.
They would reject these documents according to Cardinals Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani and Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Jesuits and Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.
So there is an option !
We go to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and to Catholic Tradition -uncompromised by the Marchetti -Cushing objective error.
We affirm the Magisterium according to the texts of these documents interpreted without the irrational, premise and conclusion.We reject the interpretation of the contemporary Magisterium, the magisterium of persons,who use an irrational premise, which is the basis for their irrational and non traditional theology.
-Lionel Andrades

April 12,2015: Divine Mercy Sunday
Once I was summoned to the judgement seat of God. I stood alone before the Lord. Jesus appeared such as we know him during his passion. After a moment, His wounds disappeared except . for five, those in his hands, His feet and His side.
Suddenly, I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. I could clearly see all that is displeasing to God. I did not know that even the smallest transgressions will have to be accounted for. What a moment! Who can describe it? To stand before the Thrice-Holy God!
Jesus asked me, Who are you? I answered, "I am your servant Lord." You are guilty of one day of fire in purgatory. I wanted to throw myself immediately into flames of purgatory, but Jesus stopped me and said, Which do you prefer, suffer now for one day in purgatory or for a short while on earth? I replied, "Jesus, I want to suffer in purgatory, and I want to suffer the greatest pains on earth, even if it were to the end of the world." Jesus said, One [of the two] is enough; you will go back to earth, and there you will suffer much, but not for long; you will accomplish My will . and My desires, and a faithful servant of Mine will help you to do this Now, rest your head on My bosom, on. My heart, and draw from it strength and power for these sufferings, because you will find neither relief nor help nor comfort anywhere else. Know that you will have much, much to suffer, but don't let this frighten you; I am with you. (Diary.36)

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